A simple RaspberryPi monitor using an I2C OLED Screen (SSD1306) and wiringPi lib.
Your OLED screen driver chip should be SSD1306 with I2C interface and its resolution should be 128x64. Connect your screen to Raspberry Pi GPIO I2C-1 (Pin3=SDA1 Pin5=SCL1), then run raspi-config to enable i2c interface.
How to compile: clone codes to RaspberryPi(running Raspbian). Then
cd RaspberryPiOLEDMonitor
chmod +x build.sh
Type ./OledMonitor to run this monitor. Several system information will be displayed on your OLED screen.
There will be 8 lines on the screen. Description are:
Line 1: Date and time
Line 2: Chip temperature
Line 3: Load average
Line 4 & Line 5: Network traffic on eth0
Line 6: Free space of root filesystem
Line 7: USB disk free space percentage (sda1 & sdb1)
If you don't have USB disk connect to RaspberryPi, you can modify the function or just remove GetSDA1SDB1()
In the night, the fresh frequency will decrease. To reduce filesystem read operation, freshing filesystem space usage is also lowered then other monitor function.
If you want to run this program on background, use command 'screen' or 'nohup'.
This program currently only tested successfully on Raspberry 3B.