Aye-Bee-See / sqlite-express-api

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Aye Bee See


Message Prison Prisoner Rule User

User Model


Create: POST /register-admin - Registers a user with a role of Admin

Read: GET /users - Read all users GET /user - Read individual user by ID. ID should be in request body as "id".

Login: POST /login - Logs in as user body variables: "name", "password"

Prison Model

Variables: id - Int - Auto-created - Autoincrementing name - String password - String role - String - Automatically set to "Admin" currently email - String createdAt - Date - Automatically set updatedAt - Date - Automatically set



Currently a prison can only have one prisoner


When creating server create admin user Make IDs UUID instead of incrementing variables Don't show hashed password in response to create user Validate and rinse parameters Ensure CRUD operations exist for all tables Protect the necessary routes All additional roles and check roles for permissions Switch any GET requests with body requirements to URL parameters Set "force: true" in sequelize.sync in sql-database.js only in certain destructive environment