Ayfri / Kore

A Kotlin library to generate Datapacks for Minecraft Java.
GNU General Public License v3.0
73 stars 3 forks source link
datapack functions kore kotlin-dsl minecraft minecraft-datapack minecraft-kotlin modding modding-tools


A Kotlin library to write Datapacks for Minecraft.

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kore typography

This library is compatible and made for Minecraft Java 1.20 and later versions, I don't think I will support older versions nor Bedrock Edition.
You can still create your own fork and make it compatible with older versions.
I will accept pull requests for older versions on a separate branch.

Getting Started

You can use the Kore Template to start a new project with Kore.

Or install the library by hand with Gradle.

With Kotlin DSL:


With Groovy DSL:

implementation 'io.github.ayfri.kore:kore:VERSION'

Then activate the -Xcontext-receivers compiler option:

kotlin {
    compilerOptions {

You should also use Java 21 or higher:

kotlin {

Then create a Main.kt file and start writing your datapacks. See the documentation for more information.


fun main() {
    val datapack = dataPack("test") {
        function("display_text") {
            tellraw(allPlayers(), textComponent("Hello World!"))

        recipes {
            craftingShaped("enchanted_golden_apple") {

                key("G", Items.GOLD_BLOCK)
                key("A", Items.APPLE)


        function("tp_random_entity_to_entity") {
            val entityName = "test"
            val entity = allEntities(limitToOne = true) {
                name = entityName

            summon(Entities.CREEPER, vec3(), nbt {
                this["CustomName"] = textComponent("Hello World!")

            execute {
                asTarget(allEntities {
                    limit = 3
                    sort = Sort.RANDOM

                ifCondition {
                    score(self(), "test") lessThan 10

                run {

        pack {
            description = textComponent("Datapack test for ", Color.GOLD) + text("Kore", Color.AQUA) { bold = true }


Community Creations


Note: All APIs for commands, selectors, NBT tags, ... are public, so you can use them to create your own features.


If you want to contribute to this project, you can follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Run gradle kore:run to run the tests.
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Create a pull request and wait for it to be reviewed and merged.

You can also create an issue if you find a bug or if you want to suggest a new feature.


If you want to support the project, please consider donating !

Buy Me A Coffee


This project is licensed under the GNU 3.0 License – see the LICENSE file for details.