AymDev / MessengerAzureBundle

A Symfony 4/5/6 bundle providing a Messenger transport for Azure Service Bus using the Azure REST API.
MIT License
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Messenger Azure Service Bus Bundle

A PHP 8.1+ & Symfony 5 / 6 / 7 bundle providing a Symfony Messenger transport for Azure Service Bus using the Azure REST API.

Testing Coding Standards Bundle installation Latest Stable Version License


You only need to install the bundle using Composer:

composer require aymdev/messenger-azure-bundle

As it uses Symfony HttpClient, you will need to install a PSR-18 client. Example:

composer require nyholm/psr7


Transport DSN

Your DSN must respect the following format to build the authentication header for a specific namespace:


Where KEY_NAME is your shared access key name, KEY_VALUE is your shared access key and NAMESPACE is your Azure Service Bus namespace. Important note: the keys can contain special characters that could break the URL parsing. Be sure to URL encode them.

Transport options

Detailed list of transport options:

Option name Description Required Default value
entity_path The topic or queue name. Yes
subscription The subcription name to consume messages from a topic. Only for topic consumer transports
token_expiry SAS token validity duration in seconds. 3600
receive_mode Set to peek-lock to perform a non destructive read or to receive-and-delete to perform a destructive-read peek-lock

Example config/packages/messenger.yaml:

                dsn: '%env(AZURE_SERVICE_BUS_DSN)%'
                serializer: 'App\Messenger\YourAzureSerializer'
                    entity_path: 'your-topic'
                    subscription: 'subscription-name'
                    token_expiry: 60
                    receive_mode: 'receive-and-delete'


This transport provides a few stamps:


The AymDev\MessengerAzureBundle\Messenger\Stamp\AzureMessageStamp stamp is added to sent and received messages and contains:


The AymDev\MessengerAzureBundle\Messenger\Stamp\AzureBrokerPropertiesStamp stamp is used for the message properties. It is automatically decoded when consuming a message and is encoded when producing a message if added to the envelope.


Creating your serializers

There is no serializer provided, but here is the expected array structure of an encoded envelope:

Logging decoding errors

When a serializer throws a Symfony\Component\Messenger\Exception\MessageDecodingFailedException while decoding a message, it will be converted to a AymDev\MessengerAzureBundle\Messenger\Exception\SerializerDecodingException which contains an envelope with an empty message but with the same stamps as a successfully decoded message.

You can then listen to the console.error Symfony event and get the topic/queue name where then decoding failure happened, the original message, etc.