Ayobamidele / Hustle-24

An ecommerce website for Vendors and Customer to sell anything
0 stars 0 forks source link
django drf python


E-commerce website for Vendors and Customers.

Getting Started

Here are instructions in getting your code up and running on your own system.

  1. Installation & Downloads
  2. Package dependencies
  3. Latest releases

Installations & Downloads

To run this project yolu woud need to Download and install varoius appications and packages

Installing Virtual Studio code

To download the application use the official Virtual Studio code website and choose your operating system whether it be Windows, Mac or Linux. Once downloaded, please install. The link below:


Downloading the Project

There are two options for downloading this project from Github

  1. Download zip (This is way more easier trust me.)
  2. Clone

Download zip

Follow this link for download:


Then follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the “<>Code” tab.

  2. Click on the “Code” button on the right. A dropdown should appear.

  3. In the “Clone” menu, under the “HTTPS” tab, click on “Download ZIP”


To clone the project you would need to have installed Git

Step 1: Install Git

At the heart of GitHub is the open source Version Control System called Git. Git is responsible for everything that happens locally on your computer related to GitHub.

Let's verify that Git is not already installed on your machine. Open Terminal if you are on a Mac or PowerShell if you are on a Windows machine and type:

git --version

After running the code in Terminal, you should see something like:

git version 2.22.0.windows.1

Download and Install Git

If you don't have Git installed, download and install the latest version of Git. at this link: https://git-scm.com/downloads

Configure your username in Git

Git uses a username to associate commits with an identity, that is, every time you upload your code to GitHub that git username will be used to identify you as the author of the code uploaded within the repository on GitHub .

💡 The Git username is different from the GitHub username.

To configure your Git username for all your repositories on your computer, do:

  1. Open Git Bash.
  2. Set a Git username
git config --global user.name "Ada Lovelace"
  1. Confirm that you've configured the username correctly in Git by typing:
git config --global user.name
> Ada Lovelace

Step 2: Cloning The Repository

Then follow these instructions to use this command to clone:

  1. Follow this link: https://github.com/Ayobamidele/Hustle-24/tree/main

  2. Navigate to the “<>Code” tab.

  3. Click on the “Code” button on the right. A dropdown should appear.

  4. In the “Clone” menu, under the “HTTPS” tab, click on the copy clipboard icon

  5. Open your terminal and type theis command git clone

  6. Then paste into the termial and click enter. (It should then look like the command below)

git clone https://github.com/Ayobamidele/Hustle-24.git

You must have installed Python and Django to run the project and most importantly Pip for the next instruction and as said earlier a virtual environment.

Need help with the installtion the follow the instructions below

Installing Python

Need help installing Python, follow the instructions below:


  1. If you have not yet installed Python on your Windows OS, then download and install the latest Python3 installer from Python Downloads Page

    • Make sure to check the box during installation which adds Python to PATH. Labeled something like Add Python 3.X to PATH
  2. Once Python is installed, you should be able to open a command window, type python, hit ENTER, and see a Python prompt opened. Type quit() to exit it. You should also be able to run the command pip and see its options. If both of these work, then you are ready to go.

    • If you cannot run python or pip from a command prompt, you may need to add the Python installation directory path to the Windows PATH variable
    • The easiest way to do this is to find the new shortcut for Python in your start menu, right-click on the shortcut, and find the folder path for the python.exe file
      • For Python2, this will likely be something like C:\Python27
      • For Python3, this will likely be something like C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37
    • Open your Advanced System Settings window, navigate to the "Advanced" tab, and click the "Environment Variables" button
    • Create a new system variable:
      • Variable name: PYTHON_HOME
      • Variable value:
    • Now modify the PATH system variable by appending the text ;%PYTHON_HOME%\;%PYTHON_HOME%;%PYTHON_HOME%\Scripts\ to the end of it.
    • Close out your windows, open a command window and make sure you can run the commands python and pip


MacOS comes with a native version of Python. As of this writing, it comes with a version of Python2, which has been deprecated. In order to use most modern Python applications, you need to install Python3. Python2 and Python3 can coexist on the same machine without problems, and for MacOS it is in fact necessary for this to happen, since MacOS continues to rely on Python2 for some functionality.

There are a couple of ways we can install Python3 on your MacOS operating system:

Option 1: Install the official Python release

  1. Browse to the Python Downloads Page
  2. Click on the "Download Python 3.x.x" button on the page
  3. Walk through the steps of the installer wizard to install Python3
  4. Once installed, the wizard will open a Finder window with some .command files in it
    • Double-click the Install Certificates.command file and the Update Shell Profile.command file to run each of them
    • Close the windows once they are finished
  5. Open your Terminal application and run the command python3 to enter the Python interactive command line. Issue the command quit() to exit. Also make sure PIP (the Python package manager) is installed by issuing the command pip3 -V. It should display the current version of PIP as well as Python (which should be some release of Python3).
  6. You're all done. Python is installed and ready to use.

Option 2: Install with Homebrew

Homebrew is a MacOS Linux-like package manager. Walk through the below steps to install Homebrew and an updated Python interpreter along with it.

  1. Open your Terminal application and run: xcode-select --install. This will open a window. Click 'Get Xcode' and install it from the app store.
  2. Install Homebrew. Run: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  3. Install latest Python3 with brew install python
  4. Once Python is installed, you should be able to open your Terminal application, type python3, hit ENTER, and see a Python 3.X.X prompt opened. Type quit() to exit it. You should also be able to run the command pip3 and see its options. If both of these work, then you are ready to go.


Installing Django

Django 3.2 will be installed in the requirements.txt when the pip command in package dependencies is run. If you want to install the latest version run this command

python -m pip install Django

Creating a Virtual Environment

After cloning or downloading the repo I highly recommend creating a virtual environment to avoid any errors. Follow the instructions found in the link below to create a virtual environment to run the project and install packages:


After completing this part follow the next instructions.

Package dependencies

To run the program you'll need to download some packages first. Run this command to install the packages in requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Project

Now run this command to run the project after succesfully installing the package dependencies.

python manage.py runserver

You should then be able to view the project from the browser using the link provided in the terminal

Latest releases

During the creation of this project python 3.10 was available but python 3.8 was used to avoid any issues with support. All versions 3.+ should work.

Build and Test

Testing the project is still in development using pytest and coverage package to ensure all functions are up and running to avoid by error and early detection. Testing will be released soon.


  1. Products
  2. Payment
  3. Admin
  4. User
  5. Orders


        The database allows for multiple products to have multiple attributes. Allowing for a product to have different attributes. Products can have categories, picture, quantity, price and discount price by default. Products can also be deactivated or activated to display when needed.         The website loads products from a SQLite database and displays them. Users can select display products in a single category - which are set active in the database. Users can click on any product to get more information including pricing and other available details. Users can select items and add them to their shopping cart. There they can checkout having the options to pay with Paypal or email. If you don't want to buy yet, you could save to your wishlist for later


        User payment address and card details is saved on the site for fast checkout. Users have the options to pay with:


        Superusers can access the admin page. The page is enabeled with filtering and ordering, so searching through various data objects is fast and easy.


        Users have easy access to the login and register page and if any issue with their password they have the option to reset it with their email. Some personal details can also be added.

Note: Once users register their account, the email won't be removed from the database if you try to delete the account.          Also after registering you can't change the email used to register.