AyoobAli / pyfuzz

URL fuzzing tool made of Python
MIT License
62 stars 15 forks source link

pyFuzz v1.1.0

PyFuzz is a comprehensive web path scanner tool designed to facilitate penetration testing and web application security assessment. This tool allows for the scanning of web applications to discover potential vulnerabilities and backup files through brute force path finding.



If you have a new feature you'd like to see, please submit an issue.

Install (Linux)

Simply clone the repository to the location you want: (Example: you want to place it in ~/apps/

mkdir -p ~/apps/
cd ~/apps/
git clone https://github.com/ayoobali/pyfuzz
cd pyfuzz
chmod +x pyfuzz.py

To run the application from any directory, just create a symlink of pyfuzz.py in your bin directory.

ln -s ~/apps/pyfuzz/pyfuzz.py ~/bin/pyfuzz

OR One line installation:

mkdir -p ~/bin/ && mkdir -p ~/apps/ && cd ~/apps/ && git clone https://github.com/ayoobali/pyfuzz && cd pyfuzz && chmod +x pyfuzz.py && ln -s ~/apps/pyfuzz/pyfuzz.py ~/bin/pyfuzz


To fuzz a URL:

pyfuzz -u <URL> -l </Path/To/List/File.txt>

To fuzz a URL and only show findings with page size above 500 Bytes"

pyfuzz -u <URL> -l </Path/To/List/File.txt> -m 500

To fuzz a URL and ignore findings that contains specific string (Ex.: 'This page does not exist')

pyfuzz -u <URL> -l </Path/To/List/File.txt> -i 'This page does not exist'

To download a copy of the found URL's

pyfuzz -u <URL> -l </Path/To/List/File.txt> --cmd 'wget "{#URL#}"'

For more options:

pyfuzz -h

Change LOG

[17-05-2021] v1.1.0

[10-06-2019] v1.0.3

[07-02-2019] v1.0.2

[07-01-2019] v1.0.1

[07-01-2019] v1.0.0

[24-07-2018] v0.5.1

[23-07-2018] v0.5.0



PyFuzz is intended for educational and legal testing purposes only. Use of this tool for attacking web applications without prior mutual consent is illegal and could lead to a lawsuit.