Ayrx / JNIAnalyzer

Analysis scripts for Ghidra to work with Android NDK libraries.
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android ghidra reverse-engineering


This Ghidra extension contains various scripts that assists in analyzing Android NDK applications.

A Binary Ninja version of this plugin is also available

How to install the extension

  1. Clone this repository (git clone https://github.com/Ayrx/JNIAnalyzer.git)
  2. In the cloned repository folder, use the command gradle -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=<YOUR GHIDRA INSTALLATION DIRECTORY>; specifying your Ghidra installation directory
  3. In Ghidra, at the Projects window, click File -> Install Extensions... and chose the .zip file present in the JNIAnalyzer/dist folder
  4. Restart Ghidra



This script uses the JADX decompiler to extract the function signature of all native methods in an APK file and applies the signature to all matching fnuctions in the binary.

Running the JNIAnalyzer.java extension script will overwrite any function return types, parameter names and parameter types that was already in place. If you want the script to skip a specific function, annotate it with JNIAnalyzer:IGNORE in the comment.

Write-up: Ghidra Plugin: JNIAnalyzer


This script parses the output of trace_registernatives applies the results to the Ghidra project.

Write up coming soon.

RegisterNatives.java (Experimental)

This script looks for calls to RegisterNatives within a function and sets the JNINativeMethod structure type in the appropriate locations within the binary. Ghidra's P-Code API is used to find references to RegisterNatives as the function is usually resolved at runtime.

This script is currently very much experimental / use at your own risk.