Aytida1426 / BooleansCalendar

CSA Tri 3 Project
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Yasaswi's Jigger Ticket for Week of 5/17 to 5/21 #30

Open YasaswiS opened 3 years ago

YasaswiS commented 3 years ago

Self Grade: 3/3

I gave myself full points because I met all of my criteria and helped Aditya in coding the calendar

Reviewed by: Neil S.

YasaswiS commented 3 years ago

Studied about different types of Java API's to use with databases: Link to the article I read.

YasaswiS commented 3 years ago

Found code examples/tutorials on using Hibernate here and here

YasaswiS commented 3 years ago

Code for calendar application located on this repo

jm1021 commented 3 years ago

Yasaswi, It looks like you found some research materials. When I find similar I usually have code to show that I am working on. Even if it is not complete. If you helped Aditya you should be able to talk about HOW, did some testing, create a commit, something with some evidence. Aditya did do work that can be pointed to, and has lots of tangibles. Where is yours? 1/3 on assignment 3/3 with extra credit.