Aytida1426 / BooleansCalendar

CSA Tri 3 Project
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Booleans - Guide for Final Project


Project Plan

Click here to access the Booleans' Project Plan.


Other Repositories Used

NOTE: We used other repositories to make the organization of our project much easier.


As high school students with constant work, it's no surprise we struggle to find the tools we need to succeed or stay organized on a daily basis. So, our team, the Booleans, decided to combat such an issue through the creation of a website. This website aims to help students go through their daily lives with ease. Students will be able to access a calculator, view a calendar, generate tasks to keep track of their work, etc.

Key User Interactions

User Interactions for Task Manager
User Interactions for Calculator
User Interactions for Calendar Generator

Technicals for Project

Technicals for Task Manager
Technicals for Calculator
Technicals for Calendar Generator

Back-End Database

Something Fun the User Can Do on the Website

Mini Labs - How to Access

NOTE: All of the labs below can also be accessed from the Mini Labs Website. They were linked here for Mr. M's grading convenience.

Neil Sahai's Mini Labs
Praveen Natarajan's Mini Labs
Aditya Surapaneni's Mini Labs
Yasaswi Singamneni's Mini Labs
Vihan Jayaraman's Mini Labs

Mini Labs - Code Modeling/Technicals

Aditya Surapaneni

Journals and Project Credits

Contributor GitHub Link
Neil Sahai @Neil-Sahai
Aditya Supraneni @AdityaS1426
Praveen Natarajan @PNatarajan123
Yasaswi Singamneni @YasaswiS
Vihan Jayaraman @VihanJ