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CSA Tri 3 Project
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Vihan's Jigger Ticket for Week of 5/17 to 5/21 (3/3) #34

Open VihanJ opened 3 years ago

VihanJ commented 3 years ago

This week, I attempted to start researching how to get a working (although not fully functional) RESTFUL Controller in accordance with some of our goals. I experimented with using the controller with my Linked List Lab, and was successfully able to make a ListEntity object work with the REST controller, as well as initialize a Hibernate database to store ListEntity objects that might be created. I will attempt further research.

I still need to write the client-side code in the form of javascript and HTML inputs, until the application will start working, but that should be relatively simple compared to this ticket.

I created a video showing the runtime and explanation of code here

The link to the restful controller is here The link to the ListEntity object for database storage is here The link to the directory for the restful controller experiment is here

Self Grade: 3/3

jm1021 commented 3 years ago

Vihan, this looks like great progress. Ticket is a research activity and you have produced code with it and video to describe it, very nice! Next issue you should consider a little more outline of the parts you need to work on. I don't see any Peer evaluation. 4/3

jm1021 commented 3 years ago

BTW, I am impressed with step-up I see in your work.