Azeirah / quippet

A plugin for the atom editor to easily create new snippets
MIT License
5 stars 3 forks source link

Quippet, awesome quick snippets!

Quippet let's you quickly create new snippets.

example image

How do I use it?

Press alt-shift-q to bring up the dialog. Write down the snippets' content, its name, where it gets activated and the tab activation.

If you have text selected, quippet will paste it in the content field for you. After you made a new snippet, it will be immediately available for use, no need to reload Atom.

where are the new snippets saved?

You can find your new snippets in the quippet package under the snippets folder. They are saved as separate .json files.

Scopes are confusing, what scope do I need?

Quippet will automatically fill the scope field with the scope of the currently active file.

If you need some extra help with scopes, Quippet has a built-in scope helper. Press the ? next to the scopes field to open the helper.