AzuraCast / ansible-installer

Ansible installation components of AzuraCast.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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AzuraCast Ansible Installation

Ansible installation components of AzuraCast.

Ansible installations are no longer officially supported by the core AzuraCast developer team. Community contributions may still be submitted to this repository.

Ansible vs. Docker

Many users who are unfamiliar with server-side software are also unfamiliar with Docker, and are thus reluctant to use it. There are also valid reasons to use the Ansible installation in certain circumstances, which is why we continue to maintain it.

When evaluating which installation method to use, be aware of the following considerations in favor of, and against, using Ansible over our recommended Docker installation method.

Advantages of Ansible

Disadvantages of Ansible

Supported Operating Systems

Currently, the following operating systems are supported:

Our support for LTS versions of Ubuntu follows the Ubuntu support lifecycle. Typically, LTS versions are supported for a period of 5 years following their release.

AzuraCast is optimized for speed and performance, and can run on very inexpensive hardware, from the Raspberry Pi 3 to the lowest-level VPSes offered by most providers.

Since AzuraCast installs its own radio tools, databases and web servers, you should always install AzuraCast on a "clean" server instance with no other web or radio software installed previously.

Migrating from a Legacy Ansible Installation

If migrating from a legacy Ansible installation, follow the regular installation instructions below and your installation will be replaced by this version.


mkdir -p /var/azuracast/ansible
cd /var/azuracast/ansible

git clone .
chmod a+x


cd /var/azuracast/ansible
chmod a+x