Azure-Samples / MachineLearningSamples-cntk

CNTK example
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Classifying MNIST dataset using CNTK

NOTE This content is no longer maintained. Visit the Azure Machine Learning Notebook project for sample Jupyter notebooks for ML and deep learning with Azure Machine Learning. This sample uses CNTK to create a multi-layer neural network to classify MNIST dataset.

The code in this sample is adapted from the following CNTK tutorials:


Logging code

In this sample, we demonstrate how to use Azure ML logging APIs to record important metrics during training.

Here are the relevant code snippets from the script:

# reference the Azure ML logging library
from azureml.logging import get_azureml_logger
# initialize the logger
run_logger = get_azureml_logger()
# declare empty lists
losses = []
errors = []
# during the training session
for i in range(0, int(num_minibatches_to_train)):
    # record error and loss into a list

# after the training finishes, log the list of errors and losses
run_logger.log("Loss", losses)

By adding the above logging code, when the run finishes, you can find the following graph plotted for you in the run history detail page.


Instructions for running the script from CLI window

You can run your scripts from the Workbench app. However, we use the command-line window to watch the feedback in real time.

Running your CNTK-based script locally

Open the command-line window by clicking on File --> Open Command Prompt and pip-install the right CNTK version for your platform. You can refer to this article for setting up CNTK for Python library: Setup CNTK on your machine

Once you select the right wheel file for your platform, you can install it locally by running the following command in your CLI command prompt.

# You only need to do this once. This whl file is for Windows operating system.
$ pip install

Once you install CNTK, you can now run your script using the following command:

# submit the experiment to local execution environment
$ az ml experiment submit -c local

Running your CNTK script on local or remote Docker

If you have a Docker engine running locally, you can run in a local docker container. Since Docker-based runs are managed by conda_dependencies.yml file, it needs to have a reference to the right whl file. conda_dependencies.yml for this sample already has that reference. Note you need to use the Linux build of CNTK because the Docker image is based on Ubuntu.

# add this channel in order to conda-install jasper
    - conda-forge

    # libpng and jasper are required for cntk 2.2
    - libpng=1.2
    - jasper

    # pip install CNTK 2.2. CPU version for Linux
    - pip:

Run the following command for executing your script on local Docker:

# prepare Docker image first
$ az ml experiment prepare -c docker

# submit the experiment to local Docker container for execution
$ az ml experiment submit -c docker

You can also execute your script on Docker on a remote machine. If you have a compute target named myvm for a remote VM, you can run the following command to execute your script:

# prepare Docker image first
$ az ml experiment prepare -c docker

# submit the experiment to the remote Docker container for execution
$ az ml experiment submit -c myvm

Note: The prepare command downloads a base Docker image and configure the necessary Python packages. For that reason, it takes a few minutes to finish. After that, your environment is then cached to make subsequent runs faster.

Running it on a VM with GPU

With computationally expensive tasks like training a neural network, you can get a huge performance boost by running it on a GPU-equipped machine.

Note, if your local machine already has NVidia GPU chips, and you have installed the CUDA libraries and toolkits, you can directly run the script using local compute target. Just be sure to pip-install the CNTK Python package for GPU for your OS. The below instructions are specifically for running script in a remote VM equipped with GPU.

Step 1. Provision a GPU Linux VM

Create an Ubuntu-based Data Science Virtual Machine(DSVM) in Azure portal using one of the NC-series VM templates. NC-series VMs are the VMs equipped with GPUs for computation.

Step 2. Attach the compute context

Run following command to add the GPU VM as a compute target in your current project:

$ az ml computetarget attach --name myvm --address <ip address or FQDN> --username <username> --password <pwd> --type remotedocker

The above command creates a myvm.compute and myvm.runconfig file under the aml_config folder.

Step 3. Modify the configuration files under _amlconfig folder

Step 4. Run the script.

# prepare your Docker image on the GPU VM.
$ az ml experiment prepare -c myvm

# run the MNIST classification script
$ az ml experiment submit -c myvm

You should notice the script finishes significantly faster than if you use CPU. And the command-line outputs should indicate that GPU is used for executing this script.