Azure-Samples / MipSDK-File-Dotnet

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MIP SDK .NET 6.0 Sample

This Microsoft Information Protection File SDK sample can run on Windows, or Ubuntu 18.04/20.04. It demonstrates initializing the MIP SDK and labeling a file.

.NET 6.0 or later is required to run the sample:


If you're running on Ubuntu, follow these steps to install the necessary dependencies.

Install the MIP SDK dependencies on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install scons libgsf-1-dev libssl-dev libsecret-1-dev freeglut3-dev libcpprest-dev libcurl3-dev uuid-dev

Install the Microsoft Authentication Library dependency

MSAL on Ubuntu, when authentication in a public client application, will use a browser to perform authentication. This requires the xdg-utils package. This is included only for demonstration and not required for other auth patterns.

sudo apt-get install xdg-utils


Running on Windows requires that the Visual C++ Runtime redistributable is installed.

Required NuGet Packages

In the project directory, add the required packages by running:

dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.FileExtensions
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json
dotnet add package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
dotnet add package microsoft.identity.client

If running on Ubuntu 20.04, install the Ubuntu 20.04 package.

# Ubuntu 20.04
dotnet add package Microsoft.InformationProtection.File.Ubuntu2004

If running on Ubuntu 22.04, install the Ubuntu 22.04 package.

# Ubuntu 22.04
dotnet add package Microsoft.InformationProtection.File.Ubuntu2204

If running on Windows, install the base MIP SDK package.

# Windows Only
dotnet add package Microsoft.InformationProtection.File

Update appsettings.json

Register an application in Azure Active Directory. Once complete, populate the appsettings.json file with details from the application registration: clientId and tenantId. Change ida:IsMultiTenantApp depending upon the type of application you've registered.

Build the project and run

From the /src directory, run the following to build:

dotnet build --output ../bin/Debug

The application will output to mip-filesdk-dotnet/bin/Debug/net6.0. Run the app by executing ./mipsdk.exe or ./mipsdk