Azure-Samples / ansible-playbooks

Ansible Playbook Samples for Azure
MIT License
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Create AddSQLtoResourcegroup.yml #2

Closed kyliel closed 6 years ago

kyliel commented 6 years ago

Make Zim's version more generic and share it to all


Create a new sample to create SQL in existing resource group

Does this introduce a breaking change?

[ ] Yes
[x ] No

Pull Request Type

What kind of change does this Pull Request introduce?

[ ] Bugfix
[ ] Feature
[ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[ ] Documentation content changes
[x ] Other... Please describe: Sample

How to Test

ansible-playbook sql2.yml --extra-vars="resource_group=xxx"

kyliel commented 6 years ago

Close this one. Add another one to have an independent sample for SQL.