Azure-Samples / ansible-playbooks

Ansible Playbook Samples for Azure
MIT License
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Travis CI

Ansible Playbooks for Azure

This repository contains examples and best practices for building Ansible Playbooks for Azure.


How to run

To run samples in your local environment,

First option, set the following environment variables:


Second option, add the following content to the file $HOME/.azure/credentials:


Third option, do a az login:

az login

You also could develop your Ansible playbook and run it in Visual Studio Code.

Using Azure cloud shell in Visual Studio Code

Azure cloud shell automatically logs you in your azure subscription so you need not to do anything extra other than login to cluod shell and run the ansible-playbook command with -e switch to provide resource_group_name variable value.

To be able to run Cloud Shell in Visual Studio Code, you will need to install Azure Account Extension in VS Code.

After installing the Azure Account extension, Login to cloud shell in VS code and clone this repository. Upload the Ansible Playbook you want to run to cloud drive and run the following command (replace yourusernameincloudshell with your username value). Make sure you also replace the playbook name and corrosponding variable name expected by playbook.

ansible-playbook /home/yourusernameincloudshell/create_virtualmachine_with_subnet_in_different_resource_group.yml -e "resource_group_name=ansible_test_rg"

How to Contribute

Please refer to Coding Guideline on how to contribute.


Ansible on Azure

Get Started with Azure

Ansible Playbook

Ansible role azure_preview_modules

Ansible Galaxy for example roles from the Ansible community for deploying many popular applications.


MIT License

This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.


Sample playbooks in this repository are tested via travis CI, please see detail CI plan.