Azure-Samples / azure-iot-central-samples-csharp

An sample project that interacts with Azure IoT Central rest APIs.
MIT License
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Azure IoT Central Samples

This sample shows you how to interact with Azure IoT Central APIs in C#. If you have any questions or feature requests, please create new issue with detailed infomation.


File/folder Description
SDK Auto-generate C# REST client from the swagger
samples Each sample app that interats with single IoT Central API
.gitignore Define what to ignore at commit time. This README file.
LICENSE The license for the sample.


Running the sample in Examples folder

  1. Make sure Azure CLI has been installed on your dev machine.

  2. In console window, run below command to login:

    az login
    az extension add --name azure-iot
  3. Setup application and resource group name

    echo "Your resource group is: $RESOURCE_GROUP"
    echo "Your application name is: $APP_NAME"
  4. Create the resource group

     az group create --location centralus --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP
  5. Create Azure IoT Central Application from CLI

    az iot central app create \
        --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --name $APP_NAME --sku ST2 --location centralus \
        --subdomain $APP_NAME --template iotc-pnp-preview \
        --display-name 'Fleet management' 
  6. Register Azure AAD Application

    aadAppId=$(az ad app create --display-name fleetapp --required-resource-accesses @manifest.json --is-fallback-public-client true --public-client-redirect-uris http://localhost --sign-in-audience AzureADmyOrg --output tsv --query "appId")
  7. Grant Admin Consent

    az ad app permission admin-consent --id $aadAppId
  8. Get your tenant ID

    tenantId=$(az account show --output tsv --query "tenantId")
  9. Show the required variables from following command

    echo $tenantId $aadAppId $APP_NAME
  10. Replace from Examples/Constants.cs with the results returned from above command line

        public const string ClientApplicationId = "{aadAppId}"
        public const string TenantId = "{tenantId}";
        public const string AppName = "{APP_NAME}";

Running the sample in samples\Examples folder

  1. Uncomments line by line from following code in Program.cs

            // UserOrgExample.Run(centralClient, options);
            // DeviceTemplateExample.Run(centralClient, options);
            // DeviceExample.Run(centralClient, options);
            // FileUploadExample.Run(centralClient, options);
            // DeviceGroupExample.Run(centralClient, options);
            // EnrollmentGroupExample.Run(centralClient, options);    
  2. In the terminal, type and run dotnet run.

How to generate SDK from offical spec

  1. Clone the official specs using

    git clone
  2. Install latest autorest

    npm install -g autorest@latest
  3. Enter Azure IoT Central Rest API spec folder

    cd azure-rest-api-specs/specification/iotcentral/data-plane    
  4. Using autorest generate SDK

    autorest --csharp --tag=package-2022-10-31-preview --csharp-sdks-folder="~/sdk/csharp" --generation1-convenience-client --namespace="Microsoft.Azure.IoTCentral.Preview" --public-clients=true


--tag can be changed to any version that central supported, check the file under data-plane folder.


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