Azure-Samples / azure-openai-gpt-4-vision-pdf-extraction-sample

This sample demonstrates how to use GPT-4o with Vision to extract structured JSON data from PDF documents, such as invoices, using the Azure OpenAI Service.
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Using Azure OpenAI GPT-4o to extract structured JSON data from PDF documents

This sample demonstrates how to use GPT-4o to extract structured JSON data from PDF documents, such as invoices, using the Azure OpenAI Service.

This approach takes advantage of the GPT-4o model's ability to understand the structure of a document and extract the relevant information using vision capabilities. This approach provides the following advantages:

[!IMPORTANT] GPT-4o accrues token-based charges like other Azure OpenAI models. Images are converted into tokens by converting your high resolution images into separate 512px tiled images. For more information, see the Azure OpenAI image token overview.


Getting Started

[!NOTE] This sample comes prepared with a Invoice_1.pdf file that you can use to test the GPT-4o model. You can also use your own PDF files to test the model.

To deploy the infrastructure and test PDF data extraction using GPT-4o, you need to:


Run the sample notebook

The Sample.ipynb notebook contains all the necessary steps to deploy the infrastructure using Azure Bicep, and make requests to the deployed Azure OpenAI API to test the GPT-4o model with the provided PDF file.

[!NOTE] The sample uses the Azure CLI to deploy the infrastructure from the main.bicep file, and PowerShell commands to test the deployed Azure OpenAI API.

The notebook is split into multiple parts including:

  1. Login to Azure and set the default subscription.
  2. Deploy the Azure resources using Azure Bicep.
  3. Create image assets from the provided PDF file.
  4. Making requests to the deployed Azure OpenAI API to test the GPT-4o model with the PDF images to return structured JSON data.

Each steps is documented in the notebook with additional information and links to the relevant documentation.

Clean up resources

After you have finished testing the GPT-4o model, you can clean up the resources using the following steps:

  1. Run the az group delete command to delete the resource group and all the resources within it.
az group delete --name <resource-group-name> --yes --no-wait

The <resource-group-name> is the name of the resource group that can be found as the AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME environment variable in the config.env file.