Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo-java

This repo is the Java version of Microsoft's sample app for ChatGPT + Enterprise data.
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Static analysis tool (linter) run in CI/CD #21

Closed brunoborges closed 8 months ago

dantelmomsft commented 8 months ago

any idea on the preferred tool? In the past I've setup CI pipelines to use internal enterprise sonar instance. If we want to do something like that It will require a significant work on using self-hosted github/ado agents integrating with internal Sonar instance. Are public options like SonarCloud acceptable?

brunoborges commented 8 months ago

We can use whatever we have configured on the Semantic Kernel open source project.

But this is P2 because the real question is what do we do with the result of the analysis? For the time being, we wouldn't be able to tackle them. But perhaps having a profile in Maven (disabled by default), and then a separate build on GH Action just to get the report.