Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo-java

This repo is the Java version of Microsoft's sample app for ChatGPT + Enterprise data.
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ChatGPT + Enterprise data with Azure OpenAI and Azure AI Search - Java Version

This repo is the Java version of the well known ChatGPT + Enterprise data code sample originally written in python.

It demonstrates best practices for creating ChatGPT-like experiences over your own data using the Retrieval Augmented Generation pattern. It uses Azure OpenAI Service to access the ChatGPT model gpt-35-turbo, and Azure Azure AI Search for data indexing and retrieval.

This repository includes sample data so it's ready to try end to end. In this sample application we use a fictitious company called Contoso Electronics, and the experience allows its employees to ask questions about the benefits, internal policies, as well as job descriptions and roles.

What this demo application does:

Chat screen

Solution architecture and deployment options

Microservice RAG Architecture

This sample supports different architectural styles. It can be deployed as standalone app on top of Azure App Service or as a microservice event driven architecture with web frontend, AI orchestration and document ingestion apps hosted by Azure Container Apps or Azure Kubernetes Service.

RAG implementation options

This repo is focused to showcase different options to implement "chat with your private documents" scenario using RAG patterns with Java, Azure OpenAI and Semantic Kernel. Below you can find the list of available implementations.

Conversational Style RAG Approach Description Java Open AI SDK Java Semantic Kernel
One Shot Ask PlainJavaAskApproach Use Azure AI Search and Java OpenAI APIs. It first retrieves top documents from search and use them to build a prompt. Then, it uses OpenAI to generate an answer for the user question.Several search retrieval options are available: Text, Vector, Hybrid. When Hybrid and Vector are selected an additional call to OpenAI is required to generate embeddings vector for the question. :white_check_mark: :x:
Chat PlainJavaChatApproach Use Azure AI Search and Java OpenAI APIs. It first calls OpenAI to generate a search keyword for the chat history and then answer to the last chat question. Several search retrieval options are available: Text, Vector, Hybrid. When Hybrid and Vector are selected an additional call to OpenAI is required to generate embeddings vector for the chat extracted keywords. :white_check_mark: :x:
One Shot Ask JavaSemanticKernelWithMemoryApproach Use Java Semantic Kernel framework with built-in MemoryStore for embeddings similarity search. A semantic function RAG.AnswerQuestion is defined to build the prompt using Memory Store vector search results.A customized version of SK built-in CognitiveSearchMemoryStore is used to map index fields populated by the documents ingestion process. :x: This approach is currently disabled within the UI, memory feature will be available in the next java Semantic Kernel GA release
One Shot Ask JavaSemanticKernelChainsApproach Use Java Semantic Kernel framework with semantic and native functions chaining. It uses an imperative style for AI orchestration through semantic kernel functions chaining. InformationFinder.SearchFromQuestion native function and RAG.AnswerQuestion semantic function are called sequentially. Several search retrieval options are available: Text, Vector, Hybrid. :x: :white_check_mark:
Chat JavaSemanticKernelWithMemoryApproach Use Java Semantic Kernel framework with built-in MemoryStore for embeddings similarity search. A semantic function RAG.AnswerConversation is defined to build the prompt using Memory Store vector search results. A customized version of SK built-in CognitiveSearchMemoryStore is used to map index fields populated by the documents ingestion process. :x: :x: This approach is currently disabled within the UI, memory feature will be available in the next java Semantic Kernel GA release
Chat JavaSemanticKernelChainsApproach Use Java Semantic Kernel framework with semantic and native functions chaining. It uses an imperative style for AI orchestration through semantic kernel functions chaining. InformationFinder.SearchFromConversation native function and RAG.AnswerConversation semantic function are called sequentially. Several search retrieval options are available: Text, Vector, Hybrid. :x: :white_check_mark:

Production deployment on Azure Application Landing Zones

This sample is designed to get you started quickly and let you experiment with Java intelligent Apps RAG architectures on Azure. For production deployment, you can use the Azure Application Landing Zones (LZA) to deploy the solution maintaining best practices for security, monitoring, networking and operational excellence.

Check the chat-with-your-data-lza-app-accelerator to see how you can deploy this solution on App Service LZA or Azure Container Apps LZA.

Azure Container Apps LZA deployment