Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo-java

This repo is the Java version of Microsoft's sample app for ChatGPT + Enterprise data.
MIT License
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Improve code quality #5

Closed dsibilio closed 9 months ago

dsibilio commented 9 months ago


Trying to improve the overall code quality of the project, this activity mostly included minor, non-breaking, code refactoring such as e.g.: pulling duplicated code intro common abstractions, making fields final when possible, making proper usage of SLF4J, reorganizing the test package structure, adhering to the Java & Surefire naming conventions, getting rid of unnecessary code, addressing typical code smells, and more.

Does this introduce a breaking change?

[ ] Yes
[x] No

Pull Request Type

What kind of change does this Pull Request introduce?

[ ] Bugfix
[ ] Feature
[x] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[x] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[x] Documentation content changes
[ ] Other... Please describe:

Other Information

I tried to avoid formatting the whole class but sometimes had to resort to it due to the indentation of most sections being outside of the standard used in other classes (e.g.: <> 4 spaces). Feel free to use the Hide whitespace Diff view feature while reviewing the PR as it might help with certain classes 🙏 hide whitespace

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