Azure-Samples / azure-search-openai-demo-java

This repo is the Java version of Microsoft's sample app for ChatGPT + Enterprise data.
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Deploy job fails in GitHub automated CI pipeline #7

Closed Menghua1 closed 8 months ago

Menghua1 commented 9 months ago

Describe the issue: The status of the pipeline in GitHub Actions is failed after pushing commit. The error is shown as following:


Repro Steps:

  1. Run azd auth login.
  2. Run azd init -t Azure-Samples/azure-search-openai-demo-java.
  3. Run azd up.
  4. Fork this repository on GitHub.
  5. Create an environment called 'Development' .
  6. Create 'Development' environment secrets for the azure web app hosting both frontend and backend publish profiles.
  7. Create 'Development' environment variables for azure web app resource name.
  8. Push commit.

Expected behavior: Results for Deploy backend to Azure Web App is passed.

@dantelmomsft and @hemarina for notification.

dantelmomsft commented 9 months ago

@Menghua1 it works on the current repo setup using the guides provided in the README. this is a last deploy from current CI:

can you please check if you are using the correct publishprofile for the webapp and you have pasted the xml content correctly when creating the environment secret?

Menghua1 commented 9 months ago

@dantelmomsft Here are the steps I took to create the environment secret:

  1. Download publish profile.
  2. Create 'Development' environment secret with the name AZUREAPPSERVICE_PUBLISHPROFILE and set the value field to the content of publish profile.
  3. Create 'Development' environment variables with the name AZUREAPPSERVICE_APP_NAME and set the value field to the azure web app resource name image image
dantelmomsft commented 9 months ago

variables/secrets configuration looks good. further checks:

dantelmomsft commented 8 months ago

@Menghua1 just tried to create the env from scratch. and I've followed the guide to change appname and secrets. It worked.

Menghua1 commented 8 months ago

@dantelmomsft Check the App service - General Settings in Azure portal, the status of "Basic Auth Publishing Credentials" is "off". After turning on "Basic Auth Publishing Credentials", clicked "Save Settings" and re-run the action on GitHub, it works fine. But after a while, it automatically goes back to "off" and re-run the action on GitHub, it failed. Is it an expected result? Do you have any ideas about it? image

dantelmomsft commented 8 months ago

at the end of azd up, such App configuration should be on. it's quite strange it's on 'Off' on your instance. Can you please retry a fresh azd environment installation? The bicep code which configures this property is here. Check that you are running the last repo version containing the above lines.

Menghua1 commented 8 months ago

@dantelmomsft Tested using a new azd environment, the latest repo version and different machines, the "Basic Auth Publishing Credentials" is still off. After investigation, we found it may be a security policy issue as documented in And the FTP authentication of our webapp has been disabled as shown in the figure below. When run command az resource update --resource-group <resource-group> --name ftp --namespace Microsoft.Web --resource-type basicPublishingCredentialsPolicies --parent sites/<site-name> --set properties.allow=true to enable FTP authentication, "Basic Auth Publishing Credentials" remains on, but GitHub actions still have this issue. Do you have any suggestions for this?


dantelmomsft commented 8 months ago

@Menghua1 I guess you mean you've tried to enable auth using az cli. Try also to enable the WebDeploy (not only the FTP) using:

However, at this point, I think we can just mention this in the troubleshooting section as a potential issue and suggest to enable auth through the portal ( or using az cli if you are able to make it work using my last suggestion above)

Menghua1 commented 8 months ago

@dantelmomsft Based on your suggestion, it works fine. Please help add this issue in the troubleshooting section as a potential issue. Thanks a lot.