Azure-Samples / azure-search-performance-testing

Scalable cloud load/stress test for Azure Cognitive Search. Includes a pipelined solution with Apache JMeter and Terraform to dynamically provision and destroy the required infrastructure on Azure.
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Load Testing Pipeline with JMeter, ACI and Terraform

This pipeline helps to load test Azure Cognitive Search, it leverages Apache JMeter as an open source load and performance testing tool and Terraform to dynamically provision and destroy the required infrastructure on Azure. The JMeter workers and controller are hosted in Azure Container Instances (ACI) to allow VNET injection and Private Endpoint scenarios too.

Note: This is a fork from this original repo customized for Azure Cognitive Search (ACS) REST API and syntax.

Key concepts


The flow is triggered and controlled by an Azure Pipeline on Azure DevOps. The pipeline contains a set of tasks that are organized logically in SETUP, TEST, RESULTS and TEARDOWN groups.

Task group Tasks
  • Check if the JMeter Docker image exists
  • Validate the JMX file that contains the JMeter test definition
  • Upload JMeter JMX file to Azure Storage Account File Share
  • Provision the infrastructure with Terraform
  • TEST
  • Run JMeter test execution and wait for completion
  • Show JMeter logs
  • Get JMeter artifacts (e.g. logs, dashboard)
  • Convert JMeter tests result (JTL format) to JUnit format
  • Publish JUnit test results to Azure Pipelines
  • Publish JMeter artifacts to Azure Pipelines
  • Destroy all ephemeral infrastructure with Terraform
  • On the SETUP phase, JMeter agents are provisioned as Azure Container Instance (ACI) using a custom Docker image on Terraform. Through a Remote Testing approach, JMeter controller is responsible to configure all workers, consolidating all results and generating the resulting artifacts (dashboard, logs, etc).

    The infrastructure provisioned by Terraform includes:

    On the RESULTS phase, a JMeter Report Dashboard and Tests Results are published in the end of each load testing execution.


    You should have the following Azure resources:

    Getting Started using the UI

    1. Create an Azure DevOps project and import this repo

    Go to Azure DevOps, create a new project, and import this repo.

    Azure DevOps new project

    Click into the Repos tab. You will get a warning saying that the repo is empty. Click on Import a repository, then for the Clone URL copy and paste this url:

    Import this code by cloning the repo

    2. Create a service connection in Azure DevOps

    Next, create a service connection in Azure Devops as described in the DevOps documentation. This service connection will create a service principal allowing the Azure Pipelines to access the resource group.

    Note: Make sure to add the service connection at the subscription level (don't specify a resource group) so the service connection has access to install resource providers.

    Create a service connection

    Make a note of the Service Connection name as it will be used in next step.

    3. Create the variable group

    Create a variable group named JMETER_TERRAFORM_SETTINGS as described in the DevOps documentation.

    Add the following variables to the variable group:

    When you're finished, the variable group should look similar to the image below:

    Create a variable group

    4. Create and run the Docker pipeline

    Create a pipeline with New Pipeline (blue button, right side), chose Azure Repos Git (YAML), click on your existing repo (cloned in step #1), configure the pipeline with Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file, the path of the existing file is /pipelines/azure-pipelines.docker.yml.

    Rename the new pipeline to jmeter-docker-build so you won't confuse it with the pipeline created in the next step (in the Pipelines tab, find the three dots inside your pipeline row and there you can rename it).

    Run this pipeline before proceeding to the next step.

    5. Create the JMeter pipeline

    Replicate the steps as in step #4 but with yaml file pipelines/azure-pipelines.load-test.yml and rename it to jmeter-load-test.

    For this pipeline you will need some additional variables:

    Save the pipeline but don't run it yet. You may want to update sample.jmx as described in the next step.

    6. Define the test definition inside your JMX file

    By default the test uses sample.jmx. This JMX file contains a test definition for performing HTTP requests on <your-search-service-name> endpoint through the 443 port.

    You can update the JMX file with the test definition of your preference. You can find more details on updating the test definition in jmeter/

    7. Run the JMeter Pipeline

    Now you're ready to run the pipeline:


    Note: The variables you created in step #5 might not show up on this view, but rest assured they haven't been deleted.

    If you're using the default test configuration this should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

    Viewing Test Results

    JMeter test results are created in a JTL file (results.jtl) with CSV formatting. A Python script was created to convert JTL to JUnit format and used during the pipeline to have full integration with Azure DevOps test visualization.

    Azure DevOps with successful requests

    Error messages generated by JMeter for failed HTTP requests can also be seen on Azure DevOps. In this case, Sevice Unavailable usually means the request was throttled by the search service.

    Azure DevOps with failed requests

    Viewing Artifacts

    Some artifacts are published after the test ends. Some of them are a static JMeter Dashboard, logs and others.


    You can also download these build artifacts using az pipelines runs artifact download.

    After downloading the dashboard and unzipping it, open dashboard/index.html on your browser.

    Some screenshots here: jmeter-latencies


    JMeter Test Configuration

    The sample.jmx includes some modules to configure the HTTP request, headers and body that Azure Cognitive Search is expecting. It also includes subsections to configure the query distribution (ie 10 concurrent users per second during 1 minute), a section to define which search terms will be sent (to avoid distortion in latencies thanks to cache) that read an input CSV. For more details and examples: JMeter official doc.

    If you struggle adding new modules to the .jmx (the syntax can be quite tricky) I would suggest to use JMeter's UI and save the config to a temporary jmx file, analyze the new module and embed it in your jmx config file.

    Pipeline Configuration

    All Terraform parameters can be configured using the Variable Group JMETER_TERRAFORM_SETTINGS. Please read JMeter Pipeline Settings to know more details about it.


    Additional Documentation

    External References


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