Azure-Samples / communication-services-ui-library-maui

UI sample library on how to create .NET MAUI bindings
MIT License
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android ios maui

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Azure Communication UI Mobile Library for MAUI

This project demonstrates the integration of Azure Communication UI library into MAUI applications that utilizes the native Azure Communication UI library and Azure Communication Services to build a calling experience that features both voice and video calling.


Please refer to our native UI Library overview

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Run Sample

For Android

Visual Studio Mac/Windows 2022
  1. Navigate to /AndroidMauiBindings and in this directory in terminal run ./ GitBash or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) should be enabled to run .sh on Windows.
  2. Open CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp/CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp.sln in Visual Studio
  3. Edit CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp/CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp.csproj and set <TargetFrameworks>net7.0-android</TargetFrameworks>.
  4. Select android device/emulator in visual studio and run CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp app.

For iOS

Visual Studio Mac 2022
  1. Navigate to communication-services-ui-library-maui/iOSMauiBindings/ProxyLibs/CommunicationUI-Proxy and in this directory in terminal run ./ -d.
  2. Open CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp/CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp.sln in Visual Studio
  3. Edit CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp/CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp.csproj and set <TargetFrameworks>net7.0-ios</TargetFrameworks>.
  4. Select iOS device/simulator in visual studio and run CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp app.

Folder Structure

| CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp
    | Platforms/(Android | iOS)/Composite.cs -> Class to communicate with native binding libraries
    | CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp.sln -> MAUI application
| MAUIiOSBindings
    | iOS.CallingUI.Binding -> Bindings for Azure Communication UI library
| AndroidMauiBindings
    | Android.CallingUI.Bindings -> Bindings for Azure Communication UI library

Android and iOS Common code

The common code for Android and iOS is all under the CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp.sln Depending on the platform we are running on we use the appropriate library.

using CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp.Platforms.Android;
#elif IOS
using CommunicationCallingSampleMauiApp.Platforms.iOS;

JoinCallPage.xaml.cs has common UI code for Android and iOS. On Button click, Android and iOS app is triggered to start a call.

    void OnButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenEntry.Text) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(meetingEntry.Text))
            callComposite.joinCall(name.Text, tokenEntry.Text, meetingEntry.Text, isTeamsCall, _localization, _dataModelInjection);

Bridging Guide

To learn more about how this sample was created and communicates with the native ACS Mobile UI Library, please refer to our bridging guides:

Android Bridging Guide

iOS Bridging Guide

Troubleshooting Guide

Please follow this Wiki to troubleshoot your issues.

Known Issues

Known Issues