Azure / avocado

A Validator of OpenAPI Configuration And Directories.
MIT License
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Another Validator of OpenAPI spec repository Configuration And Directories.

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Avocado validates folder structure and configuration.

Avocado can be integrated into Azure pipeline to validate OpenAPI spec repository. For example, Avocado is used by Azure/azure-rest-api-specs now that will trigger automatically by azure DevOps pipeline when a new pull request is created.

Avocado major functions are listed below:

How to use


npm install -g @azure/avocado



How to solve errors


Level: ERROR

To solve json parse error, you need make sure the json format is valid.


Level: ERROR

Readme file references a non-existing json file. To solve the error you need to check whether the json file is existing.


Level: ERROR

Json file must be referenced by the readme input file section or other json files. Eg, example swagger file should be referenced by main swagger json and for SDK generation main swagger should be referenced by the readme input file section. To solve the error you need to place the non-referenced file to proper place.


Level: ERROR

Each resource provider folder must have a readme file which is required by downstream SDK generation. To solve the error, you need create a readme file contains SDK generation config.


Level: ERROR

Each readme in resource provider folder should follow autorest markdown format. To solve the error, you need check the readme block quote whether contains see literally.


Level: ERROR

Swagger json file api version must consistent with its file path. Swagger can define swagger 2.0 basic-structure which contains api version. To solve the error, you need modify either your swagger file location or swagger file api version to make both of them consistent.



To solve circular reference, you should break the circular chain.

Example: a.json -> b.json->c.json

// a.json
{ "$ref": "b.json" }
// b.json
{ "$ref": "c.json" }
// c.json
{ "$ref": "a.json" }
graph TD




The default tag should contain only one API version swagger.

To solve this warning , you should copy the swaggers of old version into the current version folder.



The management plane swagger JSON file does not match its folder path. Make sure management plane swagger located in resource-manager folder

To solve this warning, you should make sure manager plane swagger located in resource-manager folder.


Level: ERROR

The default API version tag (as seen in the Basic information section in the AutoRest configuration file (the README file)) should contain all API paths. The API path `${0}` is not present in any OpenAPI .json files enumerated in the list of paths included in the default tag, as seen in the relevant Tag: section in the AutoRest configuration file (the README file).

To fix this error include an OpenAPI .json file path in the list of the default API version tag paths (in the relevant Tag: section) that includes the missing API path.

IMPORTANT: The error may point to a previous API version. This does not mean this is a false positive! It means that the previous API version has an API path that is missing from the default API version.

Common scenarios where Avocado fails your PR correctly:

Known scenarios where Avocado reports false positive: Avocado may incorrectly report failures in following two scenarios:

If you are dealing with one of these scenarios, follow the suppression guide. Mention the scenario you identified.

When this error can be suppressed: If the missing API path is deprecated then you can suppress this error. Follow this [suppresion guide].

For example detailed analyses of occurrences of such errors, see these GitHub comments:


Level: ERROR

The default API version tag (as seen in the Basic information section in the AutoRest configuration file (the README file)) does not contain the latest API version of given OpenAPI .json file.

To fix this error, please make sure the .json file at the latest API version path is included in the list of paths for the default tag, in the relevant Tag: section in the AutoRest configuration file (the README file). Alternatively, change the default API version tag to a valid one by editing the Basic information section.

For an example detailed analysis of an occurrence of such error, see this GitHub comment.


Level: ERROR

The readme file has more than one default tag.

The expectation is there is only one default tag, which leads to one SDK package. To release separate SDK packages upon different service resources of the same RP, may consider adopting Folder Structure for Service Group, which supports a readme configuration file under each sub folder.


Level: ERROR

TypeSpec file is not allowed in resource-manager or data-plane folder.

To fix this error. You should move TypeSpec file to TypeSpec folder.


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