Azure / azure-batch-cli-extensions

Batch extension cli commands for Azure cli v2
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Microsoft Azure Batch Extensions

Azure Batch CLI extensions will be retired on 30 September 2024

Remove the Azure Batch CLI Extensions: .. code-block:: bash

$ az extension remove -n azure-batch-cli-extensions

.. image:: :target:

This project is a preview build of the Microsoft Azure command-line interface to demonstrate proposed features in Azure Batch. For further details on the Azure CLI, please check the official documentation <>_.

The purpose of this project is to allow customers to try out proposed Batch features and provide feedback to help shape the direction of the Batch service. The features presented here may not be compatible with other Batch client SDKs and tools, nor will they necessarily be adopted into the core Batch service.

As these features are still in preview, they will be updated regularly, and refined based on customer feedback. Unfortunately this may result in occasional breaking changes, though every effort will be made to keep this to a minimum.



Samples for all of the preview features can be found in samples <>_.

SDK Installation

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install azure-batch-extensions

CLI Extensions Installation

In order to make use of these features, you must have the Azure CLI installed. You can find futher instructions in the official documentation <> and in the Azure CLI GitHub repository <>.

This extension package can be installed to supplement the existing Azure CLI Batch commands. It can be installed using the CLI extension tools (recommended):

.. code-block:: bash

$ az extension add -n azure-batch-cli-extensions

Each release of the CLI ships with a specific version of the azure-batch-cli-extensions. This is considered the official version for the CLI release. If you would like to install a different version you can specify any release listed at To add a specific extension version and pin to it:

.. code-block:: bash

$ az extension add --source

Uninstall CLI extensions

The CLI extensions can be removed using the az extension remove command:

.. code-block:: bash

$ az extension remove -n azure-batch-cli-extensions

Azure Batch account requirements

In order to make use of the new features previewed here, you will need an Azure Batch account with a linked storage account. For more information on this, see Create an Azure Batch account using the Azure Portal <>_.


This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct <>. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ <> or contact <>_ with any additional questions or comments.

Developer Installation

Preparing your machine ++++++++++++++++++++++

  1. Install Python 3.5.x from Please note that the version of Python that comes preinstalled on OSX is 2.7.

  2. Clone your repository and check out the master branch.

  3. Create a new virtual environment “env” for Python 3.5 in the root of your clone. You can do this by running:


    .. code-block:: bash

    python -m venv <clone root>\env

    OSX/Ubuntu (bash)

    .. code-block:: bash

    python –m venv <clone root>/env
  4. Activate the env virtual environment by running:


    .. code-block:: bash

    \env\scripts\activate.bat **OSX/Ubuntu (bash)** .. code-block:: bash . /env/bin/activate
  5. Install the dependencies and load the command module as a local package using pip.

    .. code-block:: bash

    python scripts/