Azure / azure-extensions-cli

This tool is intended only for publishers of Azure VM extensions
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:warning::warning: This tool is intended only for publishers of Azure VM extensions. If you are not an Azure employee or a whitelisted extension publisher, there is nothing here for you.

This command line interface is a simple wrapper on top of RDFE Extension Publishing APIs.

With this command-line interface you can:


Make sure you have:

Instead of passing these arguments over and over to the CLI, you can simply set environment variables:

export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx...
export SUBSCRIPTION_CERT=/path/to/cert.pem

Please use the following management URLs to cloud mappings:

If you are always operating on the same extension, you can also set:

export EXTENSION_NAMESPACE=Microsoft.Azure.Extensions
export EXTENSION_NAME=FooExtension

Then use help to explore the commands and arguments.

./azure-extensions-cli --help

NOTE: If you are not familiar with extension publishing process (i.e. slices, behaviors of extension pipeline) you should read the relevant documentation first.


This might not be up-to-date, but to give an idea, here are the subcommands

   azure-extensions-cli - This tool is designed for Microsoft internal extension publishers
    to release, update and manage Virtual Machine extensions.

   azure-extensions-cli [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   new-extension-manifest   Creates an XML file used to publish or update extension.
   new-extension            Creates a new type of extension, not for releasing new versions.
   new-extension-version    Publishes a new type of extension internally.
   promote                  Promote published internal extension to one or more PROD Locations.
   promote-all-regions      Promote published extension to all PROD Locations.
   list-versions            Lists all published extension versions for subscription
   replication-status       Retrieves replication status for an uploaded extension package
   unpublish-version        Marks the specified version of the extension internal. Does not delete.
   delete-version           Deletes the extension version. It should be unpublished first.
   help, h                  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h       show help
   --version, -v    print the version 

Installing (or building from source)

You can head over to the Releases section to download a binary built for various platforms.

If you need to compile from the source code, make sure you have Go compiler 1.6+ installed. Check out the project, set the GOPATH environment variable correctly (if necessary) and run go build. This should compile a binary.


The CLI makes it easy (easier) to publish an Azure extension. An example workflow is provided below. This workflow assumes an extension type already exists, which is why the command new-extension-version is used. (If the type does not exist use substitute for the command new-extension instead.)

Not all command line parameters are shown for each command, only the salient options are shown.

Step 1 - create an extension manifest.

  1. ./azure-extensions-cli new-extension-manifest

Step 2 - publish an extension internally.

  1. ./azure-extensions-cli new-extension-version

Step 3 - rollout the extension to Azure, by slowly including more and more regions. It is recommended that you pause 24 hours between regions.

Every time a new region is added, the previous regions must be included with the promote command.

  1. ./azure-extensions-cli promote --region "West Central US"
  2. ./azure-extensions-cli promote --region "West Central US" --region "North Central US"
  3. ./azure-extensions-cli promote --region "West Central US" --region "North Central US" --region "West US"
  4. ./azure-extensions-cli promote ...

Step 4 - promote the extension to all Azure regions.

  1. ./azure-extensions-cli promote-all-regions


As of 13-Sept-2017 this is the list of regions available for the public cloud.

Service Management Resource Manager
Australia East australiaeast
Australia Southeast australiasoutheast
Brazil South brazilsouth
Canada Central canadacentral
Canada East canadaeast
Central India centralindia
Central US centralus
Central US EUAP centraluseuap
East Asia eastasia
East US eastus
East US 2 eastus2
East US 2 EUAP eastus2euap
Japan East japaneast
Japan West japanwest
Korea Central koreacentral
Korea South koreasouth
North Central US northcentralus
North Europe northeurope
South Central US southcentralus
South India southindia
Southeast Asia southeastasia
UK South uksouth
UK West ukwest
West Central US westcentra
West Europe westeurope
West India westindia
West US westus
West US 2 westus2




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