Azure / azure-functions-signalrservice-extension

Azure Functions bindings for SignalR Service. Project moved to .
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localhost signalr service works but not for individual users #259

Closed viswanathan1693 closed 2 years ago

viswanathan1693 commented 2 years ago

signalr message is not getting passed to individual users if we use local signalr service emulator

I have given connection string like below,

"AzureSignalRConnectionString": "Endpoint=http://localhost;Port=8888;AccessKey=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789ABCDEFGH;Version=1.0;"

using command prompt, I have started asrs emulator like below

=> asrs-emulator start

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install signalr service emulator using below command, => dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.Azure.SignalR.Emulator --version 1.0.0-preview1-10767

  2. Configure signalr service connectionstring like below "AzureSignalRConnectionString": "Endpoint=http://localhost;Port=8888;AccessKey=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789ABCDEFGH;Version=1.0;"

  3. configure below method in azure function, [FunctionName("negotiate")] public static SignalRConnectionInfo Negotiate( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", "get")] HttpRequest req, [SignalRConnectionInfo(HubName = "notifications")] SignalRConnectionInfo connectionInfo, IBinder binder) { string userId = req.Headers["x-ms-signalr-userid"].ToString();

    SignalRConnectionInfoAttribute attribute = new SignalRConnectionInfoAttribute { HubName = "notifications", UserId = userId };

    connectionInfo = binder.Bind(attribute);

    return connectionInfo; }

    [FunctionName("broadcast")] public static Task Broadcast( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post")] HttpRequest req, [SignalR(HubName = "notifications")] IAsyncCollector signalRMessages) {

    var userId = req.Headers["x-ms-signalr-userid"].ToString();

    return signalRMessages.AddAsync( new SignalRMessage { UserId = userId, Target = "newMessage", Arguments = new[] { "Notification from SignalR" } }); }

    [FunctionName("broadcastall")] public static Task BroadcastAll( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post")] HttpRequest req, [SignalR(HubName = "notifications")] IAsyncCollector signalRMessages) { return signalRMessages.AddAsync( new SignalRMessage { Target = "newMessage", Arguments = new[] { "Notification from SignalR" } }); }

  4. try to execute azure function using Postman like below


Expected result: broadcast should work for individual users

Actual result: broadcast is not working for individual users. broadcastall method is working for all users.

Note: If we use below connection string in azure function , it is working fine. I can able to get signalr message for individual users.

"AzureSignalRConnectionString": "Endpoint=;AccessKey=;Version=1.0;"

I have problem with local signalr service emulator.

vicancy commented 2 years ago

Actively investigating

vicancy commented 2 years ago

Please try this version: 1.0.0-preview1-10809

viswanathan1693 commented 2 years ago

@vicancy Thanks.. Great work... !