Azure / azure-functions-signalrservice-extension

Azure Functions bindings for SignalR Service. Project moved to .
MIT License
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Azure Functions Bindings for Azure SignalR Service

Project moved to azure-sdk-for-net repo.

Build Status

Travis: travis

NuGet Packages

Package Name Target Framework NuGet
Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.SignalRService .NET Core App 2.1
.NET Core App 3.1


These bindings allow Azure Functions to integrate with Azure SignalR Service.

Supported scenarios


SignalRConnectionInfo input binding makes it easy to generate the token required for clients to initiate a connection to Azure SignalR Service.

SignalR output binding allows messages to be broadcast to an Azure SignalR Service hub.



Create Azure SignalR Service instance

  1. Create Azure SignalR Service instances in the Azure Portal. Note the connection strings, you'll need them later.

Create Function App with extension

  1. In a new folder, create a new Azure Functions app.
    • func init
  2. Install this Functions extension.
    • func extensions install -p Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.SignalRService -v 1.0.0

Add application setting for SignalR connection string

  1. Create an app setting called AzureSignalRConnectionString with the SignalR connection string.
    • On localhost, use local.settings.json
    • In Azure, use App Settings

Using the SignalRConnectionInfo input binding

In order for a client to connect to SignalR, it needs to obtain the SignalR Service client hub URL and an access token.

  1. Create a new function named negotiate and use the SignalRConnectionInfo input binding to obtain the connection information and return it. Take a look at this sample.
  2. Client connects to the negotiate function as it's a normal SignalR hub. See this file for a sample usage.

Binding schema:

  "type": "signalRConnectionInfo",
  "name": "connectionInfo",
  "hubName": "<hub_name>",
  "connectionStringSetting": "<setting_name>", // Defaults to AzureSignalRConnectionString
  "direction": "in"

Using the SignalR output binding

The SignalR output binding can be used to broadcast messages to all clients connected a hub. Take a look at this sample:

Binding schema:

  "type": "signalR",
  "name": "signalRMessages", // name of the output binding
  "hubName": "<hub_name>",
  "connectionStringSetting": "<setting_name>", // Defaults to AzureSignalRConnectionString
  "direction": "out"

To send one or more messages, set the output binding to an array of objects:

module.exports = function (context, req) {
  context.bindings.signalRMessages = [{
    "target": "newMessage", // name of the client method to invoke
    "arguments": [
      req.body // arguments to pass to client method


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