Azure / azure-storage-fuse

A virtual file system adapter for Azure Blob storage
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Implement concurrency management #1412

Closed lubo closed 2 months ago

lubo commented 2 months ago

Managing Concurrency in Blob storage describes concurrency management mechanisms supported by Azure Blob Storage. It'd be really useful if we could take advantage of them while using this app.

vibhansa-msft commented 2 months ago

Blobfuse is a file-system driver and works with last writer wins mindset. If you wish to update data as and when it's updated in storage container you can use "-o direct_io" option, however this means you are making extra calls to storage, and it will come with the cost. To save cost on user front blobfuse uses a local cache both for contents and metadata and hence it does not support concurrency the way you are thinking unless its configured to take a hit on cost and provide consistency.