Azure / azure-storage-fuse

A virtual file system adapter for Azure Blob storage
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Blobfuse2 - A Microsoft supported Azure Storage FUSE driver


Blobfuse2 is an open source project developed to provide a virtual filesystem backed by the Azure Storage. It uses the libfuse open source library (fuse3) to communicate with the Linux FUSE kernel module, and implements the filesystem operations using the Azure Storage REST APIs. This is the next generation blobfuse

Blobfuse2 is stable, and is supported by Microsoft provided that it is used within its limits documented here. Blobfuse2 supports both reads and writes however, it does not guarantee continuous sync of data written to storage using other APIs or other mounts of Blobfuse2. For data integrity it is recommended that multiple sources do not modify the same blob/file. Please submit an issue here for any issues/feature requests/questions.

This section will help you choose the correct config for Blobfuse2.


Blobfuse2 Benchmarks

This page lists various benchmarking results for HNS and FNS Storage account.

Supported Platforms

Visit this page to see list of supported linux distros.


New BlobFuse2 Health Monitor

One of the biggest BlobFuse2 features is our brand new health monitor. It allows customers gain more insight into how their BlobFuse2 instance is behaving with the rest of their machine. Visit here to set it up.

Distinctive features compared to blobfuse (v1.x)

Download Blobfuse2

You can install Blobfuse2 by cloning this repository. In the workspace root execute below commands to build the binary.

Supported Operations

The general format of the Blobfuse2 commands is blobfuse2 [command] [arguments] --[flag-name]=[flag-value]

Find help from your command prompt

To see a list of commands, type blobfuse2 -h and then press the ENTER key. To learn about a specific command, just include the name of the command (For example: blobfuse2 mount -h).


CLI parameters

Environment variables

Config Guide

Below diagrams guide you to choose right configuration for your workloads.

Frequently Asked Questions

Un-Supported File system operations

Un-Supported Scenarios


Syslog security warning

By default, Blobfuse2 will log to syslog. The default settings will, in some cases, log relevant file paths to syslog. If this is sensitive information, turn off logging or set log-level to LOG_ERR.


This project is licensed under MIT.


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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.