Azure / azure-storage-fuse

A virtual file system adapter for Azure Blob storage
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Inconsistency in file permissions with 'blobfuse2' and 'umask' option #1436

Closed landscapepainter closed 1 month ago

landscapepainter commented 1 month ago

Which version of blobfuse was used?

blobfuse2 version 2.2.0

Which OS distribution and version are you using?

Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)

If relevant, please share your mount command.

AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT={storage_account_name} AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN={sas_token} blobfuse2 {mount_path} --allow-other --no-symlinks -o umask=555 -o default_permissions --tmp-path {_BLOBFUSE_CACHE_DIR} --container-name {container_name}

What was the issue encountered?

Note: following is from mounted directory where the container has .gitignore and myfile in it. And I set -o umask=555 for the blobfuse2 command that mounts this container.

$ ls -la
total 0
--w--w--w- 1 azureuser azureuser 33 Jun 16 17:40 .gitignore
--w--w--w- 1 azureuser azureuser 30 Jun 16 19:35 myfile
$ cat myfile
$ ./myfile
-bash: ./myfile: Permission denied
$ whoami

I'm currently trying to understand what would be a good set of permission to set by default, and while doing so, I have two questions:

  1. I was trying to understand if the permissions set by -o umask works as expected following the permission shown from ls -la. I purposefully set -o umask=555 to check if this actually disallows every user from reading or executing the files in the mounted directory. But seems like I'm able to read the file(cat myfile) but not execute it. What is causing this behavior?

  2. When I set -o umask=550, and therefore had permission of --w--w-rwx 1 azureuser azureuser 30 Jun 16 19:35 myfile, I was able to both read(cat myfile) and execute(./myfile) as well. Comparing this behavior with 1. above, seems like setting other to have permission of execute allows to execute it although owner and group cannot read/execute. Why is this the case?

  3. From above, I'm thinking blobfuse2 may not behave as it seems to show.(i.e., from 1., myfile should not be read or executed considering the permission --w--w--w-, but it can be read). If this is true, what's causing this inconsistency? I'd like to understand what's going on and actually design the command to behave as exactly as I want it to.

vibhansa-msft commented 1 month ago

Are you mounting a HNS storage account or FNS?

vibhansa-msft commented 1 month ago

Closing this as there are no updates, feel free to reopen if the above suggestions did not help.