Azure / magic-module-specs

The magic module resource definitions for Azure.
MIT License
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Magic-Module Specifications for Azure


This repository is where we put all magic-module specifications for Azure resources. Magic-module is an open source utility developed by Google to autogenerate support code in a variety of open source DevOps tools.

For Azure resources, we chose to generate Terraform and Ansible code by magic-module. So we extended magic-module to support both Azure resources and GCP resources side-by-side. Please make sure you are using the Azure-extended magic-module instead of the original one when generating code from the specifications in this repository.

Folder Structure

The following figure illustrates the overall folder structure of this repository:

  |- specs
  |   |- <resource folder 1>
  |   |    |- api.yaml
  |   |    |- ansible.yaml
  |   |    |- terraform.yaml
  |   |    |- <custom code 1>.erb
  |   |    |- <custom code 2>.erb
  |   |    |- ...
  |   |    |- examples
  |   |         |- ansible
  |   |         |    |- <example 1>.yaml
  |   |         |    |- <example 2>.yaml
  |   |         |    |- ...
  |   |         |- terraform
  |   |              |- <example 1>.yaml
  |   |              |- <example 2>.yaml
  |   |              |- ...
  |   |- <resource folder 2>
  |   |- ...
  |- generated
      |- ansible
      |    |- **
      |- go
        |- src
            |- terraform-providers
              |- terraform-provider-azurerm
                  |- **

The repository contains specifications for Azure resources supported in open source DevOps tools. Each resource specifications should be put in an isolated folder under the specs folder of root (i.e. <resource folder i>). For example, /batchaccount folder contains all specifications related to Azure batch account.

Specifications of a resource consist of the following items:

For a detailed description of the items mentioned above, please refer to RESOURCE_SPEC.

This repository also includes all generated code in generated. The folder strcture within these generated folders exactly matches the ansible and terraform provider for Azure respectively.

Please refer to the Workflow section about how to make contributions to DevOps tools using the generated code.




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Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.


Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT license.