Azure / simdem

Tool for Simulating Demo's, delivering Tutorials and using documentation as tests.
MIT License
34 stars 17 forks source link


NOTICE: SimDem is a proof of concept with lots of bugs. SimDem is undergoing a complete rewrite. As such, it is still in development and features may be removed or iterated on as we refine executable docs. If you are able to contribute, we want your help!

SimDem is an open source project that will provide tooling that empowers all people to write tutorials in markdown that then becomes interactive documentation. Simdem works with standard markdown language and can be combined with any tutorial which run bash commands to create executable documentation which can be automatically tested for correctness through open source CI/CD tools and provides an interactive learning environment wherein individuals can truly learn best practices by doing rather than watching or reading

Try it Out

Run Executable Docs Using Azure Cloud Shell

Azure Cloud Shell provides an environment with all of the prerequisites installed to run Simdem. This is the recommended method for new users to try and develop tutorials for simdem.

Open Azure Cloud Shell and select Bash as the environment.

The following code snippet gets started with Simdem.

Note This snippet clones the Simdem repo, installs necessary dependencies, and runs the interactive Simdem tutorial script.

git clone

cd simdem

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 tutorial simdem

The general format to run an executable document is: python3 <MODE_OF_OPERATION> <SCRIPT_DIRECTORY_NAME>

Run Executable Docs Using Local Machine

If you would like a more customizable development environment, or do not have an active Azure Subscription, Simdem can be run on a local machine with Python.

In Order to run and develop executable docs you need the following prerequisites.

Run the following in a Linux Bash Shell on your local machine:

Note This snippet clones the Simdem repo, installs necessary dependencies, and runs the interactive Simdem tutorial script.

git clone

cd simdem

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 tutorial simdem

# Modes of Operation
You can run executable documents in four different modes:

  * Tutorial: Displays the descriptive text of the tutorial and pauses
    at code blocks to allow user interaction.
    `python3 tutorial test`
  * Learn: Requires the user to type the complete command in order to move forward with execution. 
  `python3 learn test`
  * Test: Runs the commands and then verifies that the output is
    sufficiently similar to the expected results (recorded in the
    markdown file) to be considered correct.
    `python3 test test`
  * Demo: Runs the complete script continuously, only pausing when custom input is required.
  `python3 demo test`
  * Script: Creates an executable bash script from the document
  `python3 script test`

# Writing Your Own Executable Document

Writing your own executable document is easy to do. The first step to writing an executable document is to create a folder in the demo_scripts directory with the name of your document.

After creating the new folder, every simdem document needs two files.
  2. env.json 

The is written in markdown and is the content which simdem parses and presents in an executable manner. For example [Azure Create VM](/demo_scripts/Azure/

The env.json file is a standard json file with default values for your executable document. This is critical for the automated testing aspect of simdem so that documents can be executed without any human interaction. For example
    "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME": "myResourceGroup",
    "MY_LOCATION": "EastUS",
    "MY_VM_NAME": "myVM",
    "MY_USERNAME": "azureuser"

Once the and env.json files have been successfully created, you can run your new document with the following command:



The following is an example of how one might create their first executable document

cd demo_scripts
mkdir myCoolDocument
cd myCoolDocument
touch env.json

Once you add content to and env.json the files, they can be run in an executable manner with the following command:

python3 tutorial myCoolDocument

Learn More About Writing Your Own Executable Document

To learn more about writing executable documentation use the interactive tutorial by running:

 python3 tutorial tutorial

Setting up CI/CD with Github Actions

In Progress


This is an open source project. Don't keep your code improvements, features and cool ideas to yourself. Please issue pull requests against our GitHub repo.

Be sure to use our Git pre-commit script to test your contributions before committing, simply run the following command:

ln -s ../../ .git/hooks/pre-commit

This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit

When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.


The latest version is built from source on each commit. To publish a version tagged image use ./scripts/ <FLAVOR> script. This will publish both the CLI and NoVNC containers if no FLAVOR is provided.

Don't forget to bump the version number after using this script. To do this open and find and edit the following line (somewhere near the top of the file):


Learn more

If you want to learn more before running the program then why not read the interactive tutorial as a markdown page on GitHub.