Azure / static-web-apps

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Deployment Failure Reason: Failure during content distribution. #1458

Closed Urjashee closed 5 months ago

Urjashee commented 5 months ago

Hello! Our Static web App deployments are suddenly failing with an unclear error message: Failure during content distribution. Static Web app was running fine. Did a code push and now the stack is down and I cannot figure out why. I tried re-running the build but it always fails the same.

Screenshot 2024-04-26 150659

anttti commented 5 months ago

FWIW we started seeing this around 40 minutes ago, all builds after that started failing with this same message.

jis3r commented 5 months ago

Got the same error today too. Yesterday all deployments just worked fine.

HertelP commented 5 months ago

Same here. Started to happen this morning.

vibosns commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue

devw1z4rd commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue

karolinadebowska commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue

TTTtino commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue. Have repeated deployment 3 times, and failed each time.

JLib96 commented 5 months ago

Same issue here. Tried to deploy 5 times with no results

jingfee commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue

MXSUNDA1 commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue , previous build was working now getting this error , any solutions pls

misjac commented 5 months ago

Yep, same here... good to see i'm not the only one

Daniel-GabrielN commented 5 months ago

I am encountering the same issue. It started this morning.

show812223 commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue QAQ

devw1z4rd commented 5 months ago


webexpr-brouville commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue

kenanyildirim commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue

danielstenson commented 5 months ago

Having the same issue

h9figueiredo commented 5 months ago

Same issue. Was working fine a few hours ago.

clequang commented 5 months ago

We have experienced the same issue as well.

PatricEdwards commented 5 months ago

Same issue

chrisclaytonrazor commented 5 months ago

Same issue.

EEstevanell commented 5 months ago

Same issue!

ufukcalimli commented 5 months ago

Same issue!

mupa1210 commented 5 months ago

Same issue :(

nearlyheadlessarvie commented 5 months ago


srav001 commented 5 months ago


miguelsbrissavm2 commented 5 months ago


spacemen0 commented 5 months ago

same issue, thought it was my problem but, glad to see this.

webexpr-jdevesvrotte commented 5 months ago

@microsoft-miroos @Microsoft-NiGoel @microsoft-ritesh @microsoft-saya @MicrosoftAndre @microsoftopensource @microsoftjoe @MicrosoftMohawk @thomasgauvin

We urgently need assistance with this issue that's blocking deployments for a major client. Could you please help us resolve this quickly?

Thank you for your prompt support.

arun069 commented 5 months ago

same issue.

bencoughlan7 commented 5 months ago

Same issue!

PTOPatrick commented 5 months ago

Same issue!

Janith96 commented 5 months ago

same issue here

DanielloG88 commented 5 months ago

Same issue here!

EricBrennan247 commented 5 months ago

Same issue, no change on azure status page

vivekk-promact commented 5 months ago


exFalso commented 5 months ago

Same issue, I guess it's not quite 9am yet on East Coast

simontt commented 5 months ago

Same issue. 😢

KKrisu commented 5 months ago

me too ;(

xania commented 5 months ago

here the same

Bhushan-Promact commented 5 months ago


tp-objk commented 5 months ago


vlyakh commented 5 months ago

+1. Please fix ASAP

andreicalin246 commented 5 months ago


hasnuzama commented 5 months ago

I am also facing the same issue and here is the detailed error screenshot for reference.


Pipeline step screenshot image

My Project Type: Blazor webassembly

Ramo-Y commented 5 months ago

We have the same problem, the last time it ran was three days ago, during this time nothing has changed in the action that could cause this error. I have already restarted it five times, unfortunately without success. In the logs only the error message Deployment Failure Reason: Failure during content distribution appears, even with debug logs we have no further details.

BL-Drew commented 5 months ago


lrsperanza commented 5 months ago

Same issue!

v-sreekanth-a commented 5 months ago

I've been experiencing the same issue for the past hour.

AccieTheKing commented 5 months ago

I just wanted to join this comment chain, but +1 same issue here since 11:44am