Azure / terraform-azurerm-appgw-ingress-k8s-cluster

The Application Gateway Ingress Controller allows the Azure Application Gateway to be used as the ingress for an Azure Kubernetes Service aka AKS cluster. As shown in the figure below, the ingress controller runs as a pod within the AKS cluster. It consumes Kubernetes Ingress Resources and converts them to an Azure Application Gateway configuration which allows the gateway to load-balance traffic to Kubernetes pods.
MIT License
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The Application Gateway Ingress Controller allows the Azure Application Gateway to be used as the ingress for an Azure Kubernetes Service aka AKS cluster. As shown in the figure below, the ingress controller runs as a pod within the AKS cluster. It consumes Kubernetes Ingress Resources and converts them to an Azure Application Gateway configuration which allows the gateway to load-balance traffic to Kubernetes pods.

This module helps in deploying the necessary resources for the greenfield deployment of necessary resources for AKS cluster with Application Gateway as ingress controller.

Azure Application Gateway + AKS



Refer to the tutorials to understand how you can expose an AKS service over HTTP or HTTPS, to the internet, using an Azure Application Gateway.

Usage of the module

resource "azurerm_resource_group" "test" {
  name     = "testResourceGroup1"
  location = "West US"

  tags {
    environment = "dev"
    costcenter  = "it"

module "appgw-ingress-k8s-cluster" {
  source                              = "Azure/appgw-ingress-k8s-cluster/azurerm"
  version                             = "0.1.0"
  resource_group_name                 =
  location                            = "westus"
  aks_service_principal_app_id        = "<App ID of the service principal>"
  aks_service_principal_client_secret = "<Client secret of the service principal>"
  aks_service_principal_object_id     = "<Object ID of the service principal>"

  tags = {
    environment = "dev"
    costcenter  = "it"


Originally created by Vaijanath Angadihiremath


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