Azure / terraform-azurerm-avm-res-web-site

MIT License
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This is the module to deploy function apps in Azure.

NOTE: 0.12.0 introduces some breaking changes, such as no longer supporting azurerm 0.3.x. Please use 0.11.x and prior releases if support for azurerm 0.3.x is needed. Please review the release notes for a full breakdown of each release.


The following requirements are needed by this module:


The following resources are used by this module:

Required Inputs

The following input variables are required:


Description: The type of App Service to deploy. Possible values are functionapp and webapp.

Type: string


Description: Azure region where the resource should be deployed.

Type: string


Description: The name which should be used for the Function App.

Type: string


Description: The operating system that should be the same type of the App Service Plan to deploy the App Service in.

Type: string


Description: The name of the Resource Group where the App Service will be deployed.

Type: string


Description: The resource ID of the App Service Plan to deploy the App Service in in.

Type: string

Optional Inputs

The following input variables are optional (have default values):


Description: Should the Function App inherit the lock from the parent resource? Defaults to true.

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Should the Function App inherit tags from the parent resource? Defaults to true.

Type: bool

Default: true



  Object that sets the active slot for the App Service.

  `slot_key` - The key of the slot object to set as active.
  `overwrite_network_config` - Determines if the network configuration should be overwritten. Defaults to `true`.


    slot_key                 = optional(string)
    overwrite_network_config = optional(bool, true)

Default: null


Description: A map of key-value pairs for App Settings and custom values to assign to the Function App.

  app_settings = {
    WEBSITE_TIME_ZONE            = "Pacific Standard Time"
    WEB_CONCURRENCY              = "1"

Type: map(string)

Default: {}


The Application Insights settings to assign to the Function App.

-application_type: The type of Application Insights to create. Valid values are ios, java, MobileCenter, Node.JS, other, phone, store, and web. Defaults to web. -inherit_tags: Should the Application Insights inherit tags from the parent resource? Defaults to false. -location: The location of the Application Insights. -name: The name of the Application Insights. -resource_group_name: The name of the Resource Group where the Application Insights will be deployed. -tags: A map of tags to assign to the Application Insights. -workspace_resource_id: The resource ID of the Log Analytics Workspace to use for the Application Insights. -daily_data_cap_in_gb: The daily data cap in GB for the Application Insights. -daily_data_cap_notifications_disabled: Should the daily data cap notifications be disabled for the Application Insights? -retention_in_days: The retention period in days for the Application Insights. Defaults to 90. -sampling_percentage: The sampling percentage for the Application Insights. Defaults to 100. -disable_ip_masking: Should the IP masking be disabled for the Application Insights? Defaults to false. -local_authentication_disabled: Should the local authentication be disabled for the Application Insights? Defaults to false. -internet_ingestion_enabled: Should the internet ingestion be enabled for the Application Insights? Defaults to true. -internet_query_enabled: Should the internet query be enabled for the Application Insights? Defaults to true. -force_customer_storage_for_profiler: Should the customer storage be forced for the profiler for the Application Insights? Defaults to false.

  application_insights = {
    name                  = module.naming.application_insights.name_unique
    resource_group_name   =
    location              = module.avm_res_resources_resourcegroup.resource.location
    application_type      = "web"
    workspace_resource_id =
    tags = {
      environment = "dev-tf"


    application_type                      = optional(string, "web")
    inherit_tags                          = optional(bool, false)
    location                              = optional(string)
    name                                  = optional(string)
    resource_group_name                   = optional(string)
    tags                                  = optional(map(any), null)
    workspace_resource_id                 = optional(string)
    daily_data_cap_in_gb                  = optional(number)
    daily_data_cap_notifications_disabled = optional(bool)
    retention_in_days                     = optional(number, 90)
    sampling_percentage                   = optional(number, 100)
    disable_ip_masking                    = optional(bool, false)
    local_authentication_disabled         = optional(bool, false)
    internet_ingestion_enabled            = optional(bool, true)
    internet_query_enabled                = optional(bool, true)
    force_customer_storage_for_profiler   = optional(bool, false)

Default: {}


Description: A map of authentication settings to assign to the Function App.


    additional_login_parameters    = optional(list(string))
    allowed_external_redirect_urls = optional(list(string))
    default_provider               = optional(string)
    enabled                        = optional(bool, false)
    issuer                         = optional(string)
    runtime_version                = optional(string)
    token_refresh_extension_hours  = optional(number, 72)
    token_store_enabled            = optional(bool, false)
    unauthenticated_client_action  = optional(string)
    active_directory = optional(map(object({
      client_id                  = optional(string)
      allowed_audiences          = optional(list(string))
      client_secret              = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
    facebook = optional(map(object({
      app_id                  = optional(string)
      app_secret              = optional(string)
      app_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      oauth_scopes            = optional(list(string))
    github = optional(map(object({
      client_id                  = optional(string)
      client_secret              = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      oauth_scopes               = optional(list(string))
    google = optional(map(object({
      client_id                  = optional(string)
      client_secret              = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      oauth_scopes               = optional(list(string))
    microsoft = optional(map(object({
      client_id                  = optional(string)
      client_secret              = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      oauth_scopes               = optional(list(string))
    twitter = optional(map(object({
      consumer_key                 = optional(string)
      consumer_secret              = optional(string)
      consumer_secret_setting_name = optional(string)

Default: {}


Description: A map of authentication settings (V2) to assign to the Function App.

active_directory_v2 block supports the following:

apple_v2 block supports the following:

azure_static_web_app_v2 block supports the following:

custom_oidc_v2 block supports the following:

facebook_v2 block supports the following:

github_v2 block supports the following:

google_v2 block supports the following:

login block supports the following:

microsoft_v2 block supports the following:

twitter_v2 block supports the following:

  auth_settings_v2 = {
    setting1 = {
      auth_enabled     = true
      default_provider = "AzureActiveDirectory"
      active_directory_v2 = {
        aad1 = {
          client_id            = "<client-id>"
          tenant_auth_endpoint = "{tenant-guid}/v2.0/"
      login = {
        login1 = {
          token_store_enabled = true


    auth_enabled                            = optional(bool, false)
    config_file_path                        = optional(string)
    default_provider                        = optional(string)
    excluded_paths                          = optional(list(string))
    forward_proxy_convention                = optional(string, "NoProxy")
    forward_proxy_custom_host_header_name   = optional(string)
    forward_proxy_custom_scheme_header_name = optional(string)
    http_route_api_prefix                   = optional(string, "/.auth")
    require_authentication                  = optional(bool, false)
    require_https                           = optional(bool, true)
    runtime_version                         = optional(string, "~1")
    unauthenticated_action                  = optional(string, "RedirectToLoginPage")
    active_directory_v2 = optional(map(object({
      allowed_applications                 = optional(list(string))
      allowed_audiences                    = optional(list(string))
      allowed_groups                       = optional(list(string))
      allowed_identities                   = optional(list(string))
      client_id                            = optional(string)
      client_secret_certificate_thumbprint = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name           = optional(string)
      jwt_allowed_client_applications      = optional(list(string))
      jwt_allowed_groups                   = optional(list(string))
      login_parameters                     = optional(map(any))
      tenant_auth_endpoint                 = optional(string)
      www_authentication_disabled          = optional(bool, false)
    })), {})
    apple_v2 = optional(map(object({
      client_id                  = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      login_scopes               = optional(list(string))
    })), {})
    azure_static_web_app_v2 = optional(map(object({
      client_id = optional(string)
    })), {})
    custom_oidc_v2 = optional(map(object({
      authorisation_endpoint        = optional(string)
      certification_uri             = optional(string)
      client_credential_method      = optional(string)
      client_id                     = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name    = optional(string)
      issuer_endpoint               = optional(string)
      name                          = optional(string)
      name_claim_type               = optional(string)
      openid_configuration_endpoint = optional(string)
      scopes                        = optional(list(string))
      token_endpoint                = optional(string)
    })), {})
    facebook_v2 = optional(map(object({
      app_id                  = optional(string)
      app_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      graph_api_version       = optional(string)
      login_scopes            = optional(list(string))
    })), {})
    github_v2 = optional(map(object({
      client_id                  = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      login_scopes               = optional(list(string))
    })), {})
    google_v2 = optional(map(object({
      client_id                  = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      allowed_audiences          = optional(list(string))
      login_scopes               = optional(list(string))
    })), {})
    login = optional(map(object({
      allowed_external_redirect_urls    = optional(list(string))
      cookie_expiration_convention      = optional(string, "FixedTime")
      cookie_expiration_time            = optional(string, "00:00:00")
      logout_endpoint                   = optional(string)
      nonce_expiration_time             = optional(string, "00:05:00")
      preserve_url_fragments_for_logins = optional(bool, false)
      token_refresh_extension_time      = optional(number, 72)
      token_store_enabled               = optional(bool, false)
      token_store_path                  = optional(string)
      token_store_sas_setting_name      = optional(string)
      validate_nonce                    = optional(bool, true)
        login = {

    microsoft_v2 = optional(map(object({
      client_id                  = optional(string)
      client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      allowed_audiences          = optional(list(string))
      login_scopes               = optional(list(string))
    })), {})
    twitter_v2 = optional(map(object({
      consumer_key                 = optional(string)
      consumer_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
    })), {})


Default: {}


Configures the Auto Heal settings for the Function App. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.


    action = optional(object({
      action_type = string
      custom_action = optional(object({
        executable = string
        parameters = optional(string)
      minimum_process_execution_time = optional(string, "00:00:00")
    trigger = optional(object({
      private_memory_kb = optional(number)
      requests = optional(object({
        count    = number
        interval = string
      slow_request = optional(map(object({
        count      = number
        interval   = string
        take_taken = string
        path       = optional(string)
      })), {})
      slow_request_with_path = optional(map(object({
        count      = number
        interval   = string
        take_taken = string
        path       = optional(string)
      })), {})
      status_code = optional(map(object({
        count             = number
        interval          = string
        status_code_range = number
        path              = optional(string)
        sub_status        = optional(number)
        win32_status_code = optional(number)
      })), {})

Default: {}


Description: A map of backup settings to assign to the Function App.


    enabled             = optional(bool, true)
    name                = optional(string)
    storage_account_url = optional(string)
    schedule = optional(map(object({
      frequency_interval       = optional(number)
      frequency_unit           = optional(string)
      keep_at_least_one_backup = optional(bool)
      retention_period_days    = optional(number)
      start_time               = optional(string)

Default: {}


Description: Should builtin logging be enabled for the Function App?

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Should client affinity be enabled for the Function App?

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: Should client certificate be enabled for the Function App?

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The client certificate exclusion paths for the Function App.

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The client certificate mode for the Function App.

Type: string

Default: "Required"


Description: A map of connection strings to assign to the Function App.


    name  = optional(string)
    type  = optional(string)
    value = optional(string)

Default: {}


Description: Should content share be force disabled for the Function App?

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: A map of custom domains to assign to the Function App.


    slot_as_target               = optional(bool, false)
    app_service_slot_key         = optional(string)
    create_certificate           = optional(bool, false)
    certificate_name             = optional(string)
    certificate_location         = optional(string)
    pfx_blob                     = optional(string)
    pfx_password                 = optional(string)
    hostname                     = optional(string)
    app_service_name             = optional(string)
    app_service_plan_resource_id = optional(string)
    key_vault_secret_id          = optional(string)
    key_vault_id                 = optional(string)
    zone_resource_group_name     = optional(string)
    resource_group_name          = optional(string)
    ssl_state                    = optional(string)
    inherit_tags                 = optional(bool, true)
    tags                         = optional(map(any), {})
    thumbprint_key               = optional(string)
    thumbprint_value             = optional(string)
    ttl                          = optional(number, 300)
    validation_type              = optional(string, "cname-delegation")
    create_cname_records         = optional(bool, false)
    cname_name                   = optional(string)
    cname_zone_name              = optional(string)
    cname_record                 = optional(string)
    cname_target_resource_id     = optional(string)
    create_txt_records           = optional(bool, false)
    txt_name                     = optional(string)
    txt_zone_name                = optional(string)
    txt_records                  = optional(map(object({ value = string })))

Default: {}


Description: (Optional) The amount of memory in gigabyte-seconds that your application is allowed to consume per day. Setting this value only affects Function Apps under the consumption plan. Defaults to 0.

Type: number

Default: 0




    name                                           = optional(string)
    app_settings                                   = optional(map(string))
    builtin_logging_enabled                        = optional(bool, true)
    content_share_force_disabled                   = optional(bool, false)
    client_affinity_enabled                        = optional(bool, false)
    client_certificate_enabled                     = optional(bool, false)
    client_certificate_exclusion_paths             = optional(string, null)
    client_certificate_mode                        = optional(string, "Required")
    daily_memory_time_quota                        = optional(number, 0)
    enabled                                        = optional(bool, true)
    functions_extension_version                    = optional(string, "~4")
    ftp_publish_basic_authentication_enabled       = optional(bool, true)
    https_only                                     = optional(bool, false)
    key_vault_reference_identity_id                = optional(string, null)
    public_network_access_enabled                  = optional(bool, true)
    service_plan_id                                = optional(string, null)
    tags                                           = optional(map(string))
    virtual_network_subnet_id                      = optional(string, null)
    webdeploy_publish_basic_authentication_enabled = optional(bool, true)
    zip_deploy_file                                = optional(string, null)

    auth_settings = optional(map(object({
      additional_login_parameters    = optional(list(string))
      allowed_external_redirect_urls = optional(list(string))
      default_provider               = optional(string)
      enabled                        = optional(bool, false)
      issuer                         = optional(string)
      runtime_version                = optional(string)
      token_refresh_extension_hours  = optional(number, 72)
      token_store_enabled            = optional(bool, false)
      unauthenticated_client_action  = optional(string)
      active_directory = optional(map(object({
        client_id                  = optional(string)
        allowed_audiences          = optional(list(string))
        client_secret              = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      facebook = optional(map(object({
        app_id                  = optional(string)
        app_secret              = optional(string)
        app_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        oauth_scopes            = optional(list(string))
      github = optional(map(object({
        client_id                  = optional(string)
        client_secret              = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        oauth_scopes               = optional(list(string))
      google = optional(map(object({
        client_id                  = optional(string)
        client_secret              = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        oauth_scopes               = optional(list(string))
      microsoft = optional(map(object({
        client_id                  = optional(string)
        client_secret              = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        oauth_scopes               = optional(list(string))
      twitter = optional(map(object({
        consumer_key                 = optional(string)
        consumer_secret              = optional(string)
        consumer_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
    })), {})

    auth_settings_v2 = optional(map(object({
      auth_enabled                            = optional(bool, false)
      config_file_path                        = optional(string)
      default_provider                        = optional(string)
      excluded_paths                          = optional(list(string))
      forward_proxy_convention                = optional(string, "NoProxy")
      forward_proxy_custom_host_header_name   = optional(string)
      forward_proxy_custom_scheme_header_name = optional(string)
      http_route_api_prefix                   = optional(string, "/.auth")
      require_authentication                  = optional(bool, false)
      require_https                           = optional(bool, true)
      runtime_version                         = optional(string, "~1")
      unauthenticated_action                  = optional(string, "RedirectToLoginPage")
      active_directory_v2 = optional(map(object({
        allowed_applications                 = optional(list(string))
        allowed_audiences                    = optional(list(string))
        allowed_groups                       = optional(list(string))
        allowed_identities                   = optional(list(string))
        client_id                            = optional(string)
        client_secret_certificate_thumbprint = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name           = optional(string)
        jwt_allowed_client_applications      = optional(list(string))
        jwt_allowed_groups                   = optional(list(string))
        login_parameters                     = optional(map(any))
        tenant_auth_endpoint                 = optional(string)
        www_authentication_disabled          = optional(bool, false)
      })), {})
      apple_v2 = optional(map(object({
        client_id                  = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        login_scopes               = optional(list(string))
      })), {})
      azure_static_web_app_v2 = optional(map(object({
        client_id = optional(string)
      })), {})
      custom_oidc_v2 = optional(map(object({
        authorisation_endpoint        = optional(string)
        certification_uri             = optional(string)
        client_credential_method      = optional(string)
        client_id                     = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name    = optional(string)
        issuer_endpoint               = optional(string)
        name                          = optional(string)
        name_claim_type               = optional(string)
        openid_configuration_endpoint = optional(string)
        scopes                        = optional(list(string))
        token_endpoint                = optional(string)
      })), {})
      facebook_v2 = optional(map(object({
        app_id                  = optional(string)
        app_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        graph_api_version       = optional(string)
        login_scopes            = optional(list(string))
      })), {})
      github_v2 = optional(map(object({
        client_id                  = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        login_scopes               = optional(list(string))
      })), {})
      google_v2 = optional(map(object({
        client_id                  = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        allowed_audiences          = optional(list(string))
        login_scopes               = optional(list(string))
      })), {})
      login = map(object({
        allowed_external_redirect_urls    = optional(list(string))
        cookie_expiration_convention      = optional(string, "FixedTime")
        cookie_expiration_time            = optional(string, "00:00:00")
        logout_endpoint                   = optional(string)
        nonce_expiration_time             = optional(string, "00:05:00")
        preserve_url_fragments_for_logins = optional(bool, false)
        token_refresh_extension_time      = optional(number, 72)
        token_store_enabled               = optional(bool, false)
        token_store_path                  = optional(string)
        token_store_sas_setting_name      = optional(string)
        validate_nonce                    = optional(bool, true)
      microsoft_v2 = optional(map(object({
        client_id                  = optional(string)
        client_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
        allowed_audiences          = optional(list(string))
        login_scopes               = optional(list(string))
      })), {})
      twitter_v2 = optional(map(object({
        consumer_key                 = optional(string)
        consumer_secret_setting_name = optional(string)
      })), {})
    })), {})

    auto_heal_setting = optional(map(object({
      action = optional(object({
        action_type = string
        custom_action = optional(object({
          executable = string
          parameters = optional(string)
        minimum_process_execution_time = optional(string, "00:00:00")
      trigger = optional(object({
        private_memory_kb = optional(number)
        requests = optional(object({
          count    = number
          interval = string
        slow_request = optional(map(object({
          count      = number
          interval   = string
          take_taken = string
          path       = optional(string)
        })), {})
        slow_request_with_path = optional(map(object({
          count      = number
          interval   = string
          take_taken = string
          path       = optional(string)
        })), {})
        status_code = optional(map(object({
          count             = number
          interval          = string
          status_code_range = number
          path              = optional(string)
          sub_status        = optional(number)
          win32_status_code = optional(number)
        })), {})
    })), {})

    backup = optional(map(object({
      enabled             = optional(bool, true)
      name                = optional(string)
      storage_account_url = optional(string)
      schedule = optional(map(object({
        frequency_interval       = optional(number)
        frequency_unit           = optional(string)
        keep_at_least_one_backup = optional(bool)
        retention_period_days    = optional(number)
        start_time               = optional(string)
    })), {})

    connection_strings = optional(map(object({
      name  = optional(string)
      type  = optional(string)
      value = optional(string)
    })), {})

    lock = optional(object({
      kind = string
      name = optional(string, null)
    }), null)

    logs = optional(map(object({
      application_logs = optional(map(object({
        azure_blob_storage = optional(object({
          level             = optional(string, "Off")
          retention_in_days = optional(number, 0)
          sas_url           = string
        file_system_level = optional(string, "Off")
      })), {})
      detailed_error_messages = optional(bool, false)
      failed_request_tracing  = optional(bool, false)
      http_logs = optional(map(object({
        azure_blob_storage_http = optional(object({
          retention_in_days = optional(number, 0)
          sas_url           = string
        file_system = optional(object({
          retention_in_days = optional(number, 0)
          retention_in_mb   = number
      })), {})
    })), {})

    private_endpoints = optional(map(object({
      name = optional(string, null)
      role_assignments = optional(map(object({
        role_definition_id_or_name             = string
        principal_id                           = string
        description                            = optional(string, null)
        skip_service_principal_aad_check       = optional(bool, false)
        condition                              = optional(string, null)
        condition_version                      = optional(string, null)
        delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
        principal_type                         = optional(string, null)
      })), {})
      lock = optional(object({
        kind = string
        name = optional(string, null)
      }), null)
      tags                                    = optional(map(string), null)
      subnet_resource_id                      = string
      private_dns_zone_group_name             = optional(string, "default")
      private_dns_zone_resource_ids           = optional(set(string), [])
      application_security_group_associations = optional(map(string), {})
      private_service_connection_name         = optional(string, null)
      network_interface_name                  = optional(string, null)
      location                                = optional(string, null)
      resource_group_name                     = optional(string, null)
      ip_configurations = optional(map(object({
        name               = string
        private_ip_address = string
      })), {})
    })), {})

    role_assignments = optional(map(object({
      role_definition_id_or_name             = string
      principal_id                           = string
      description                            = optional(string, null)
      skip_service_principal_aad_check       = optional(bool, false)
      condition                              = optional(string, null)
      condition_version                      = optional(string, null)
      delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
      principal_type                         = optional(string, null)
    })), {})

    storage_shares_to_mount = optional(map(object({
      access_key   = string
      account_name = string
      mount_path   = string
      name         = string
      share_name   = string
      type         = optional(string, "AzureFiles")
    })), {})

    site_config = optional(object({
      always_on                                     = optional(bool, false) # when running in a Consumption or Premium Plan, `always_on` feature should be turned off. Please turn it off before upgrading the service plan from standard to premium.
      api_definition_url                            = optional(string)      # (Optional) The URL of the OpenAPI (Swagger) definition that provides schema for the function's HTTP endpoints.
      api_management_api_id                         = optional(string)      # (Optional) The API Management API identifier.
      app_command_line                              = optional(string)      # (Optional) The command line to launch the application.
      auto_heal_enabled                             = optional(bool)        # (Optional) Should auto-heal be enabled for the Function App?
      app_scale_limit                               = optional(number)      # (Optional) The maximum number of workers that the Function App can scale out to.
      application_insights_connection_string        = optional(string)      # (Optional) The connection string of the Application Insights resource to send telemetry to.
      application_insights_key                      = optional(string)      # (Optional) The instrumentation key of the Application Insights resource to send telemetry to.
      container_registry_managed_identity_client_id = optional(string)
      container_registry_use_managed_identity       = optional(bool)
      default_documents                             = optional(list(string))            #(Optional) Specifies a list of Default Documents for the Windows Function App.
      elastic_instance_minimum                      = optional(number)                  #(Optional) The number of minimum instances for this Windows Function App. Only affects apps on Elastic Premium plans.
      ftps_state                                    = optional(string, "Disabled")      #(Optional) State of FTP / FTPS service for this Windows Function App. Possible values include: AllAllowed, FtpsOnly and Disabled. Defaults to Disabled.
      health_check_eviction_time_in_min             = optional(number)                  #(Optional) The amount of time in minutes that a node can be unhealthy before being removed from the load balancer. Possible values are between 2 and 10. Only valid in conjunction with health_check_path.
      health_check_path                             = optional(string)                  #(Optional) The path to be checked for this Windows Function App health.
      http2_enabled                                 = optional(bool, false)             #(Optional) Specifies if the HTTP2 protocol should be enabled. Defaults to false.
      ip_restriction_default_action                 = optional(string, "Allow")         #(Optional) The default action for IP restrictions. Possible values include: Allow and Deny. Defaults to Allow.
      load_balancing_mode                           = optional(string, "LeastRequests") #(Optional) The Site load balancing mode. Possible values include: WeightedRoundRobin, LeastRequests, LeastResponseTime, WeightedTotalTraffic, RequestHash, PerSiteRoundRobin. Defaults to LeastRequests if omitted.
      local_mysql_enabled                           = optional(bool, false)             #(Optional) Should local MySQL be enabled. Defaults to false.
      managed_pipeline_mode                         = optional(string, "Integrated")    #(Optional) Managed pipeline mode. Possible values include: Integrated, Classic. Defaults to Integrated.
      minimum_tls_version                           = optional(string, "1.2")           #(Optional) Configures the minimum version of TLS required for SSL requests. Possible values include: 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. Defaults to 1.2.
      pre_warmed_instance_count                     = optional(number)                  #(Optional) The number of pre-warmed instances for this Windows Function App. Only affects apps on an Elastic Premium plan.
      remote_debugging_enabled                      = optional(bool, false)             #(Optional) Should Remote Debugging be enabled. Defaults to false.
      remote_debugging_version                      = optional(string)                  #(Optional) The Remote Debugging Version. Possible values include VS2017, VS2019, and VS2022.
      runtime_scale_monitoring_enabled              = optional(bool)                    #(Optional) Should runtime scale monitoring be enabled.
      scm_ip_restriction_default_action             = optional(string, "Allow")         #(Optional) The default action for SCM IP restrictions. Possible values include: Allow and Deny. Defaults to Allow.
      scm_minimum_tls_version                       = optional(string, "1.2")           #(Optional) Configures the minimum version of TLS required for SSL requests to Kudu. Possible values include: 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. Defaults to 1.2.
      scm_use_main_ip_restriction                   = optional(bool, false)             #(Optional) Should the SCM use the same IP restrictions as the main site. Defaults to false.
      use_32_bit_worker                             = optional(bool, false)             #(Optional) Should the 32-bit worker process be used. Defaults to false.
      vnet_route_all_enabled                        = optional(bool, false)             #(Optional) Should all traffic be routed to the virtual network. Defaults to false.
      websockets_enabled                            = optional(bool, false)             #(Optional) Should Websockets be enabled. Defaults to false.
      worker_count                                  = optional(number)                  #(Optional) The number of workers for this Windows Function App. Only affects apps on an Elastic Premium plan.
      app_service_logs = optional(map(object({
        disk_quota_mb         = optional(number, 35)
        retention_period_days = optional(number)
      })), {})
      application_stack = optional(map(object({
        dotnet_version              = optional(string)
        java_version                = optional(string)
        node_version                = optional(string)
        powershell_core_version     = optional(string)
        python_version              = optional(string)
        go_version                  = optional(string)
        ruby_version                = optional(string)
        java_server                 = optional(string)
        java_server_version         = optional(string)
        php_version                 = optional(string)
        use_custom_runtime          = optional(bool)
        use_dotnet_isolated_runtime = optional(bool)
        docker = optional(list(object({
          image_name        = string
          image_tag         = string
          registry_password = optional(string)
          registry_url      = string
          registry_username = optional(string)
        current_stack                = optional(string)
        docker_image_name            = optional(string)
        docker_registry_url          = optional(string)
        docker_registry_username     = optional(string)
        docker_registry_password     = optional(string)
        docker_container_name        = optional(string)
        docker_container_tag         = optional(string)
        java_embedded_server_enabled = optional(bool)
        tomcat_version               = optional(bool)
      })), {})
      cors = optional(map(object({
        allowed_origins     = optional(list(string))
        support_credentials = optional(bool, false)
      })), {}) #(Optional) A cors block as defined above.
      ip_restriction = optional(map(object({
        action                    = optional(string, "Allow")
        ip_address                = optional(string)
        name                      = optional(string)
        priority                  = optional(number, 65000)
        service_tag               = optional(string)
        virtual_network_subnet_id = optional(string)
        headers = optional(map(object({
          x_azure_fdid      = optional(list(string))
          x_fd_health_probe = optional(list(string), ["1"])
          x_forwarded_for   = optional(list(string))
          x_forwarded_host  = optional(list(string))
        })), {})
      })), {}) #(Optional) One or more ip_restriction blocks as defined above.
      scm_ip_restriction = optional(map(object({
        action                    = optional(string, "Allow")
        ip_address                = optional(string)
        name                      = optional(string)
        priority                  = optional(number, 65000)
        service_tag               = optional(string)
        virtual_network_subnet_id = optional(string)
        headers = optional(map(object({
          x_azure_fdid      = optional(list(string))
          x_fd_health_probe = optional(list(string), ["1"])
          x_forwarded_for   = optional(list(string))
          x_forwarded_host  = optional(list(string))
        })), {})
      })), {}) #(Optional) One or more scm_ip_restriction blocks as defined above.
      virtual_application = optional(map(object({
        physical_path   = optional(string, "site\\wwwroot")
        preload_enabled = optional(bool, false)
        virtual_directory = optional(map(object({
          physical_path = optional(string)
          virtual_path  = optional(string)
        })), {})
        virtual_path = optional(string, "/")
          default = {
            physical_path   = "site\\wwwroot"
            preload_enabled = false
            virtual_path    = "/"
    }), {})

    timeouts = optional(object({
      create = optional(string)
      delete = optional(string)
      read   = optional(string)
      update = optional(string)
    }), null)


Default: {}


Description: Whether to inherit the lock from the parent resource for the deployment slots. Defaults to true.

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: A map of diagnostic settings to create on the Key Vault. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.


    name                                     = optional(string, null)
    log_categories                           = optional(set(string), [])
    log_groups                               = optional(set(string), ["allLogs"])
    metric_categories                        = optional(set(string), ["AllMetrics"])
    log_analytics_destination_type           = optional(string, "Dedicated")
    workspace_resource_id                    = optional(string, null)
    storage_account_resource_id              = optional(string, null)
    event_hub_authorization_rule_resource_id = optional(string, null)
    event_hub_name                           = optional(string, null)
    marketplace_partner_resource_id          = optional(string, null)

Default: {}


Description: Should Application Insights be enabled for the Function App?

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: This variable controls whether or not telemetry is enabled for the module.
For more information see
If it is set to false, then no telemetry will be collected.

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Is the Function App enabled? Defaults to true.

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Should basic authentication be enabled for FTP publish?

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: The version of the Azure Functions runtime to use. Defaults to ~4.

Type: string

Default: "~4"


Description: Should the Function App only be accessible over HTTPS?

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The identity ID to use for Key Vault references.

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The lock level to apply. Possible values for kind are None, CanNotDelete, and ReadOnly.


    kind = string
    name = optional(string, null)


Default: null


A map of logs to create on the Function App.


    application_logs = optional(map(object({
      azure_blob_storage = optional(object({
        level             = optional(string, "Off")
        retention_in_days = optional(number, 0)
        sas_url           = string
      file_system_level = optional(string, "Off")
    })), {})
    detailed_error_messages = optional(bool, false)
    failed_request_tracing  = optional(bool, false)
    http_logs = optional(map(object({
      azure_blob_storage_http = optional(object({
        retention_in_days = optional(number, 0)
        sas_url           = string
      file_system = optional(object({
        retention_in_days = optional(number, 0)
        retention_in_mb   = number
    })), {})

Default: {}


Description: Managed identities to be created for the resource.


    system_assigned            = optional(bool, false)
    user_assigned_resource_ids = optional(set(string), [])

Default: {}


Description: A map of private endpoints to create on this resource. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.


    name = optional(string, null)
    role_assignments = optional(map(object({
      role_definition_id_or_name             = string
      principal_id                           = string
      description                            = optional(string, null)
      skip_service_principal_aad_check       = optional(bool, false)
      condition                              = optional(string, null)
      condition_version                      = optional(string, null)
      delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
      principal_type                         = optional(string, null)
    })), {})
    lock = optional(object({
      kind = string
      name = optional(string, null)
    }), null)
    tags                                    = optional(map(string), null)
    subnet_resource_id                      = string
    private_dns_zone_group_name             = optional(string, "default")
    private_dns_zone_resource_ids           = optional(set(string), [])
    application_security_group_associations = optional(map(string), {})
    private_service_connection_name         = optional(string, null)
    network_interface_name                  = optional(string, null)
    location                                = optional(string, null)
    resource_group_name                     = optional(string, null)
    ip_configurations = optional(map(object({
      name               = string
      private_ip_address = string
    })), {})

Default: {}


Description: Should the private endpoints inherit the lock from the parent resource? Defaults to true.

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Whether to manage private DNS zone groups with this module. If set to false, you must manage private DNS zone groups externally, e.g. using Azure Policy.

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: Should the Function App be accessible from the public network? Defaults to true.

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: A map of role assignments to create on this resource. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.

Note: only set skip_service_principal_aad_check to true if you are assigning a role to a service principal.


    role_definition_id_or_name             = string
    principal_id                           = string
    description                            = optional(string, null)
    skip_service_principal_aad_check       = optional(bool, false)
    condition                              = optional(string, null)
    condition_version                      = optional(string, null)
    delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
    principal_type                         = optional(string, null)

Default: {}


Description: An object that configures the Function App's site_config block.


    always_on                                     = optional(bool, false)
    api_definition_url                            = optional(string)
    api_management_api_id                         = optional(string)
    app_command_line                              = optional(string)
    auto_heal_enabled                             = optional(bool)
    app_scale_limit                               = optional(number)
    application_insights_connection_string        = optional(string)
    application_insights_key                      = optional(string)
    container_registry_managed_identity_client_id = optional(string)
    container_registry_use_managed_identity       = optional(bool)
    default_documents                             = optional(list(string))
    elastic_instance_minimum                      = optional(number)
    ftps_state                                    = optional(string, "Disabled")
    health_check_eviction_time_in_min             = optional(number)
    health_check_path                             = optional(string)
    http2_enabled                                 = optional(bool, false)
    ip_restriction_default_action                 = optional(string, "Allow")
    load_balancing_mode                           = optional(string, "LeastRequests")
    local_mysql_enabled                           = optional(bool, false)
    managed_pipeline_mode                         = optional(string, "Integrated")
    minimum_tls_version                           = optional(string, "1.2")
    pre_warmed_instance_count                     = optional(number)
    remote_debugging_enabled                      = optional(bool, false)
    remote_debugging_version                      = optional(string)
    runtime_scale_monitoring_enabled              = optional(bool)
    scm_ip_restriction_default_action             = optional(string, "Allow")
    scm_minimum_tls_version                       = optional(string, "1.2")
    scm_use_main_ip_restriction                   = optional(bool, false)
    use_32_bit_worker                             = optional(bool, false)
    vnet_route_all_enabled                        = optional(bool, false)
    websockets_enabled                            = optional(bool, false)
    worker_count                                  = optional(number)
    app_service_logs = optional(map(object({
      disk_quota_mb         = optional(number, 35)
      retention_period_days = optional(number)
    })), {})
    application_stack = optional(map(object({
      dotnet_version              = optional(string)
      java_version                = optional(string)
      node_version                = optional(string)
      powershell_core_version     = optional(string)
      python_version              = optional(string)
      go_version                  = optional(string)
      ruby_version                = optional(string)
      java_server                 = optional(string)
      java_server_version         = optional(string)
      php_version                 = optional(string)
      use_custom_runtime          = optional(bool)
      use_dotnet_isolated_runtime = optional(bool)
      docker = optional(list(object({
        image_name        = string
        image_tag         = string
        registry_password = optional(string)
        registry_url      = string
        registry_username = optional(string)
      current_stack                = optional(string)
      docker_image_name            = optional(string)
      docker_registry_url          = optional(string)
      docker_registry_username     = optional(string)
      docker_registry_password     = optional(string)
      docker_container_name        = optional(string)
      docker_container_tag         = optional(string)
      java_embedded_server_enabled = optional(bool)
      tomcat_version               = optional(bool)
    })), {})
    cors = optional(map(object({
      allowed_origins     = optional(list(string))
      support_credentials = optional(bool, false)
    })), {})
    ip_restriction = optional(map(object({
      action                    = optional(string, "Allow")
      ip_address                = optional(string)
      name                      = optional(string)
      priority                  = optional(number, 65000)
      service_tag               = optional(string)
      virtual_network_subnet_id = optional(string)
      headers = optional(map(object({
        x_azure_fdid      = optional(list(string))
        x_fd_health_probe = optional(list(string), ["1"])
        x_forwarded_for   = optional(list(string))
        x_forwarded_host  = optional(list(string))
      })), {})
    })), {})
    scm_ip_restriction = optional(map(object({
      action                    = optional(string, "Allow")
      ip_address                = optional(string)
      name                      = optional(string)
      priority                  = optional(number, 65000)
      service_tag               = optional(string)
      virtual_network_subnet_id = optional(string)
      headers = optional(map(object({
        x_azure_fdid      = optional(list(string))
        x_fd_health_probe = optional(list(string), ["1"])
        x_forwarded_for   = optional(list(string))
        x_forwarded_host  = optional(list(string))
      })), {})
    })), {})
    virtual_application = optional(map(object({
      physical_path   = optional(string, "site\\wwwroot")
      preload_enabled = optional(bool, false)
      virtual_directory = optional(map(object({
        physical_path = optional(string)
        virtual_path  = optional(string)
      })), {})
      virtual_path = optional(string, "/")
        default = {
          physical_path   = "site\\wwwroot"
          preload_enabled = false
          virtual_path    = "/"

Default: {}


Description: A map of sticky settings to assign to the Function App.


    app_setting_names       = optional(list(string))
    connection_string_names = optional(list(string))

Default: {}


Description: The access key of the Storage Account to deploy the Function App in. Conflicts with storage_uses_managed_identity.

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The name of the Storage Account to deploy the Function App in.

Type: string

Default: null


Description: The ID of the secret in the key vault to use for the Storage Account access key.

Type: string

Default: null


Description: A map of objects that represent Storage Account FILE SHARES to mount to the Function App.
This functionality is only available for Linux Function Apps, via documentation

The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.


    access_key   = string
    account_name = string
    mount_path   = string
    name         = string
    share_name   = string
    type         = optional(string, "AzureFiles")

Default: {}


Description: Should the Storage Account use a Managed Identity? Conflicts with storage_account_access_key.

Type: bool

Default: false


Description: The map of tags to be applied to the resource

Type: map(string)

Default: null


Description: - create - (Defaults to 30 minutes) Used when creating the Linux Function App.


    create = optional(string)
    delete = optional(string)
    read   = optional(string)
    update = optional(string)

Default: null


Description: The ID of the subnet to deploy the Function App in.

Type: string

Default: null


Description: Should basic authentication be enabled for web deploy?

Type: bool

Default: true


Description: The path to the zip file to deploy to the Function App.

Type: string

Default: null


The following outputs are exported:


Description: The application insights resource.


Description: The locks of the deployment slots.


Description: The active slot.


Description: The deployment slots.


Description: The object principal id of the resource.


Description: The kind of app service.


Description: The location of the resource.


Description: The name of the resource.


Description: The operating system type of the resource.


Description: The locks of the deployment slots.


Description: This is the full output for the resource.


Description: This is the full output for the resource.


Description: The locks of the resources.


Description: A map of private endpoints. The map key is the supplied input to var.private_endpoints. The map value is the entire azurerm_private_endpoint resource.


Description: The default hostname of the resource.


Description: value


Description: The thumbprint of the certificate.


Description: The active slot.


Description: The deployment slots.


No modules.

Data Collection

The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository. There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect data from users of your applications. If you use these features, you must comply with applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications together with a copy of Microsoft’s privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located at You can learn more about data collection and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software operates as your consent to these practices.