AzureAD / azure-activedirectory-powershell-tokenkey

Scripts to override the Azure Active Directory token signing key.
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Azure Active Directory Token Signing Key Scripts

This repository contains PowerShell scripts that developers and administrators can use to:

For more information about signing key rollover, check out the Signing key rollover in Azure Active Directory documentation.


These scripts set the preferred token signing key on a specific application. As a result, any user that signs in to the application after the script is run will receive tokens signed with the preferred key.


These scripts can only be run by an Azure Active Directory Global Administrator.

If the application does not support automatic rollover, changing the token signing key will result in downtime. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that these scripts are only run either

Steps To Setup The Scripts

  1. Download and extract the scripts.
  2. Start Windows PowerShell.
  3. Navigate to the folder where the scripts were extracted.
  4. Run the following to install the AADGraph module (and ADAL):


Steps To Test For Automatic Rollover

  1. Get the list of available signing keys:

    .\Get-AADSigningKey.ps1 | Format-Table
  2. Pick any of the keys and configure Azure Active Directory to use that key with your application:

    .\Set-AADSigningKey.ps1 -ApplicationId <ApplicationId> -KeyThumbprint <Thumbprint>
  3. Test the web application. The change is instantaneous, but make sure you use a new browser session (e.g. IE's "InPrivate", Chrome "Incognito", or Firefox's "Private") to ensure you are issued a new token.

  4. Repeat steps 2 through 3 with all the keys returned from step 1.

  5. If the web application signs you in properly, it supports automatic rollover. If it does not:

  6. Execute the following script to revert to normal behavior:

    .\Set-AADSigningKey.ps1 -ApplicationId <ApplicationId> -Default

Steps To Perform Manual Rollover

  1. Get the latest signing key:

    .\Get-AADSigningKey.ps1 -Latest
  2. Compare this key against the key your application is currently hardcoded or configured to use.

  3. If the latest key is different from the key your application is using, download the latest signing key:

    ..\Get-AADSigningKey.ps1 -Latest -DownloadPath <DownloadPath>
  4. Update your application's code or configuration to the new key.

  5. Configure Azure Active Directory to use that latest key with your application:

    .\Set-AADSigningKey.ps1 -ApplicationId <ApplicationId> -Latest
  6. Test the web application. The change is instantaneous, but make sure you use a new browser session (e.g. IE's "InPrivate", Chrome "Incognito", or Firefox's "Private") to ensure you are issued a new token.

  7. If you experience any issues, revert to the previous key you were using and contact Azure support:

    .\Set-AADSigningKey.ps1 -ApplicationId <ApplicationId> -KeyThumbprint <Thumbprint>
  8. Once you update your application as per our guidance in Signing key rollover in Azure Active Directory documentation to support for automatic rollover, revert to normal behavior:

    .\Set-AADSigningKey.ps1 -ApplicationId <ApplicationId> -Default

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