Azurency / CQUI_Community-Edition

Civilization 6 mod - UI enhancements, reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
MIT License
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Fall 2017 Patch #152

Closed Azurency closed 6 years ago

Azurency commented 6 years ago

So the Fall 2017 Patch is here.

We'll keep the good practice to use this issue as the "master issue" of all the fall 2017 patch related issue. ⚠️ So please report your bugs here and not on separate issues.

👷‍♀️ About patching CQUI

Yes, we're aware of the issues. It's almost always resolved by merging the patch changes (and there're may be quite a few, we'll see) into the mod files, but often require us to adapt the mod changes to new naming, functions, code removed/moved, etc. That's why it may take some time (I mean more than a day, waaay more), if the patch is big or if there're some breaking changes.

🔨 How we'll proceed

We'll try to (roughly) follow these steps, maybe not in that exact order :


Azurency commented 6 years ago

So the diffs are here :

It's quite a big patch, 221 files changed (6 822+, 5 945-). More file changed than in summer patch actually but less lines added.

Now that we have the diffs, I'll soon make a list of which files in the mod need to be looked at and changed (and how much it changed, which generally means how much work needs to be done).

N7ZebraCakes commented 6 years ago

Was testing civic tree stuff. Probs doesn't help anything, but I get some era-relevant random selections anytime I load into a game in-progress, and can choose one or two before the tree blanks out again.

GrantSP commented 6 years ago
MauiSven commented 6 years ago

fehlerliste cqui fall patch 2017

N7ZebraCakes commented 6 years ago

@MauiSven - that seems to be a conflict with another mod, as I have CQUI disabled, and have that happen anyway

Wiggleworts commented 6 years ago

Hey, this is where we leave bugs, right? I can't seem to activate projects using the CQUI, they don't show up below wonders. I've tried reinstalling the mod, and using a couple of different versions.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

So, everything from the beta branch and the pull request is merged. I'm ready to start looking at the changes and make a list of what need to be changed and how much work it'll approximately require.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

Here's a list of files that needs to be changed :

CQUI changes

Integrations changes



ML :



It's a lot of changes everywhere, so it will take some time, at least a week to test everything. But there's also some good news :

MauiSven commented 6 years ago

Thank you very very much for information and further actions. Will old savegames work after updating, too? Is there a little workaround to use actual savegames a little bit better til update release?

smalltimepro commented 6 years ago

Unable to place either wonder or district. Dont know why that is happening

Timmeey86 commented 6 years ago

Working the unchecked checkboxes bottom up (skipping mod integrations) in fork #157

Azurency commented 6 years ago

That's one way to see it ;) I'm currently merging city panel related files (there're quite a few) and testing it, I'll move on the diplomacy and notification next I think.

oerms commented 6 years ago

Hi. I have edited some of the files and commited to my master. How do you get the changes to your repo?

(sorry, haven't worked much with pull requests or what this is called... :( )

jimmyp1979 commented 6 years ago

im not and never touch files i appreciate the work gone into it but if steam cant just update the mod without me playing with files that could damage my game then nah unsubscribe to be honest

jimmyp1979 commented 6 years ago

so we dont have to do anything with our files ourselves?we just wait for a patch? works for some players , quill 18 etc but not for alot or am i missing something(newbie alert sorry)

AlexandreDecan commented 6 years ago

No, you don't have to do anything except waiting for an update (unless you want to contribute to the repository and help other maintainers fixing the mod).

Don't blame the maintainers of CQUI ;-) The fault is Firafix's: they didn't release a list of upcoming changes before the update (nor after, to be honest), meaning that now that the update has been released, the maintainers of this mod have to do their best to take into account the large number of changes Firaxis made to the game.

jimmyp1979 commented 6 years ago

didnt blame them i was just pointing out that if i had to touch files i would unsubscribe from it , i put i appreciate the work going into it

AlexandreDecan commented 6 years ago

@Azurency One thing that can help to prevent people being "frustrated" because of the mod is to display a popup explaining that in its current status, the mod cannot be used to play a game (or contains bugs that could lead to a "less interesting" experience) and to invite them to wait until an update (or to temporarily disable the mod), and to remove this popup when it's no longer relevant.

AlexandreDecan commented 6 years ago

Following the idea exposed in my last comment, would it be possible to put an "empty" version of the mod to Steam (with the popup explaining why it is "empty") until the release of a working version? This will (1) allow people to continue their previously saved games, (2) avoid them unsubscribing the mod, (3) warn them an update is coming.

Timmeey86 commented 6 years ago

I'll work on government screens next, this is gonna take a while

smalltimepro commented 6 years ago

@Timmeey86 i have been working on the productionpanel and dependencies but just cant get the district placement to work. Any tips? I gather the same issue occurred after summer patch. Was it ever resolved for the summer patch?

smalltimepro commented 6 years ago

Found error and fixed. There is an added confirmation dialog for district/wonder placement in strategicview_mapplacement.lua. I have the fixed file ill see if I can find the procedure to push it

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@smalltimepro Have you looked at ?

smalltimepro commented 6 years ago

Yes I have. I have done the strategicview file and requested a pull. Mod is largely working for me of the back of some local changes but this was the crucial one cause it was a bit of a road block.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@smalltimepro Well you would have realized that I already merged the files you committed in your pull request

Azurency commented 6 years ago

I'm taking some time merging the city-related files because there were some changes in the way we have to check wether or not show a building is in the production panel (for exemple the religion building, right now, they all show up in the list)

astog commented 6 years ago

@Azurency I'll update the files this weekend, so all my mods should get compatible soon.

techgiz commented 6 years ago

When on the deal screen to make a deal with the AI on the AI side of the screen there are not list any items listed of the AI's that can be traded or included in the deal.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

A small update :

With @astog trying to fix its mods during the weekend aswell, I think it's looking great for a patch next week !

oerms commented 6 years ago

I just tested with only my changes, and the civics tree is opening now, and the notifications work. Wonder/district placement works also, when replacing the file strategicview_mapplacement.lua with changes by @smalltimepro.

I think everything is being reviewed right now, except the launchbar.* files and diplomacy, of course. Looking very good so far. :)

MauiSven commented 6 years ago

@oerms Where or how can we find or get that changes described above?

oerms commented 6 years ago

@MauiSven It is still very buggy: Occupation does not end, walls are not repaired, the queue is buggy, you can build all religious buildings, you do not see trade proposals from AI, etc pp...

I would not recommend using the mod just yet. Wait at least for the merge of existing pull requests. This should be happening this weekend. Then download all files and copy them to your My Games folder as usual with mods. Diplomacy might not have been fixed by then, however.

MauiSven commented 6 years ago

@oerms Ok, thx for your quick answer. But I only meant the particial solutions regarding civics tree and wonder/district placement, cause that's it, what I strongly need for my running game. The other tasks are well known but actual not so urgent for me...

oerms commented 6 years ago

@MauiSven Get my files and replace this Please understand that we cannot support this further. Direct your disappointment towards Firaxis for not letting the community know about upcoming patches. (And releasing a crappy interface for a great game in the first place...)

MauiSven commented 6 years ago

@oerms Thank you and I understood. But I only found program code behind the link instead of completed files, is that correct...?

oerms commented 6 years ago

@MauiSven click view and raw and copy into CQUI_Community-Edition/Assets/UI/strategicview_mapplacement.lua No further comment from me on this. This is only cluttering our thread here.

smalltimepro commented 6 years ago

@MauiSven @oerms You need the /Assets/UI/Panels/productionpanel.lua as well for it to work. ProductionPanel still needs a lot of work. Extra faith buildings show up but not contructable so not a big issue. Wall once damages doesnt give repair option and queue is a bit buggy. Next road block is probably the wall thingie. I made a fresh commit on my fork earlier if you want to pick the latest on those two files

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@smalltimepro the production queue work, extra faith building don't show up, you can repair walls... Please work on the right branch and stay informed thanks to the comments here on what still need to be done. I merged the city related stuff myself (including the production queue, although there may still be some weirdness, we'll see on the testing phase next week)

Also this is not a support thread but an issue about the fall patch, no more comment on "how to get the latest version" that does not exist at the moment please.

oerms commented 6 years ago

I think I have done the rest of the files which are not connected to the diplomacy and that not integrations can I somehow help with the diplomacy?

Timmeey86 commented 6 years ago

Combat preview is not shown when right click dragging from an own unit over an enemy unit. It is shown when selecting an own unit and moving the mouse above an enemy unit with no mouse buttons pressed, however. Tested on Azurency/fall-2017 with and without changes of #160.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

unitpannel is still not merged (there's unitpannel.xml in #160 and I merged unitpannel.lua on my machine and I haven't pushed it yet). So don't worry, I'll tell you when to start the testing phase ;)

sparrow8332 commented 6 years ago

Productionpannel has a weird refresh bug every time you select an item to be added to production que - districts section looks like it dose a weird expand & refresh then back to how it was.

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@sparrow8332 yes, I think it's the new size="auto, auto", it now refresh as each item is added to the stack. I tried to quickly look at it while I merged the production panel but as it's not game breaking I left it as it is. We'll come back to it when everything is merged and try to find a solution.

smithmid commented 6 years ago

@Azurency When do you anticipate pushing what you have?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

Let's make a quick update :

It leaves us with URS, I don't think its creator will update it (he have not updated it for the summer patch, or I don't see it on civfanatics). We'll have to update it. I can work on that tomorrow (or if someone want to do that before, fell free to open a pull request before I start 😉)

We'll need to bring back the changes from BES, BTS and ML here (I think @astog will open a pull request, or tell me if you want me to update it here)

Everything looks great for an update on steam next week.

oerms commented 6 years ago

How did you do the diff for the files? Let my try and work on the reportscreen. (the second should be xlm, I suppose...)

Edit: I found it. Working on it now. Edit2: To make sure: There are three files for this mod: reportscreen.lua, reportscreen.xml and unitpromotionpopup.lua, right? I had installed an old version of this (1.7.3). Was this the latest version?

Azurency commented 6 years ago

@oerms Great ! Yes those are the 3 files. The latest version is the one there is in CQUI here.

oerms commented 6 years ago

They were not in the fall-2017 branch, were they? I had to copy manually from my old stand-alone plugin.

Edit: My bad. I overlooked the folder "Integrations" :/

ricanuck commented 6 years ago

@Azurency : URS is at this point VERY different from the original, we added a lot of code and QoL to that file before the Summer fiasco, so I would not want to bring the original author to it as URS is now a completely different (and better) beast.

oerms commented 6 years ago

Hi @ricanuck (alias Aristos, I have seen that name in the code ;) )! I have tried to work the changes of the patch into your modifications. If you can spare the time, please review. Thanks!