B-Coyle / Whateverly-2019

A creative project to create a app that searches for camping sites and nearby hiking trails
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XCO is an app designed for users to choose a hiking trail or campground based on a location or nearest city they want to go to. A user can select whether they prefer to go camping or hiking they can search a specific category relevant to either of those (IE camping would be type of camping).



Libraries / Frameworks in use

Learning Goals/Challenges/Successes

The main learning goals of this project was to begin learning how to use React, testing with Jest/Enzyme and be able to create a functional app using React and JSX together. Our group encountered many successes, challenges, and quite a list of features we would like to add in the future (see our issues for more information on github). Each member of our project just recently learned abuot React so our skill level was the same going into the project. One of our biggest challenges was creating a dynamic filter for several search options for both camping and hiking.


Main Start Screen


Appended Cards
