B-Open / jobalert

An easier way to search for jobs by Bruneians for Bruneians.
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link
docker dotnet hacktoberfest mysql

Job Alert


Option A

Option B

Running with Docker does not require the prerequisites in option A to be installed.


  1. Clone project
  2. cd to cloned folder
  3. run dotnet restore to download all projects' dependencies

Running the API

  1. cd to src/API/
  2. run dotnet run

Using the API

  1. In your browser, go to http://localhost:5000/jobsearch
  2. To search specific keyword: http://localhost:5000/jobsearch?search=keyword

Running with Docker


Run all

docker-compose up -d

Running only 1 service

docker-compose -d db

Migrate DB

docker-compose -d db migrate

Running adminer

docker-compose -d db adminer

### Example

#### Running database only and rerun worker during development.

docker-compose -d db
docker-compose -d worker # run as many times for testing

Stopping containers

To stop the containers without destroying the database.

docker-compose down

Stop containers and destroy the database

docker-compose down -v

The -v argument will remove any persistent volumes declared in the docker-compose file.