B2Bitcoin / beBOP

Marvelous p2p bitcoin-based online sales platform
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
14 stars 3 forks source link


P2P BeBOP for merch, subscribers and peerfunding


S3 configuration

The app will automatically configure the S3 bucket to accept CORS PUT calls.

Environment variables

Add .env.local or .env.{development,test,production}.local files for secrets not committed to git and to override the .env

You can also set the following environment variables to allow SSO. Set your redirect url to https://<...>/api/callback/<provider>, where <provider> is one of github, google, facebook, twitter, when you create your app on the provider's website:



pnpm run build
node build/index.js

# If behind a reverse proxy, you can use the following config:
# ADDRESS_HEADER=X-Forwarded-For XFF_DEPTH=1 node build/index.js

You can set the PORT environment variable to change from the default 3000 port to another port.

You can also use pm2 to manage your node application, and run it on multiple cores.

pm2 start --name bebop --update-env build/index.js

# If behind a reverse proxy, you can use the following config:
# ADDRESS_HEADER=X-Forwarded-For XFF_DEPTH=1 pm2 start --name bebop --update-env build/index.js

Note: for uploading large payloads you may want to set the BODY_SIZE_LIMIT=20000000 environment variable to allow 20MB payloads for example. It should not be needed for normal usage.


docker build -t bebop .
export DOTENV_LOCAL=$(cat .env.local)
docker run -p 3000:3000 --env DOTENV_LOCAL=$DOTENV_LOCAL bebop --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway


# Be careful, double-quotes surrounding values in .env.local will not be ignored
docker run -p 3000:3000 --env-file .env.local bebop --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway

If you want to access a local BTC node or LND node, use host.docker.internal as the hostname instead of localhost:


Docker compose

Docker compose is used for local development, but you can also use it for production. It will launch a mongodb and minio container.

Required configuration

Edit .env.local to add a S3 access key and secret if not already present, for example:

echo "S3_KEY_ID=$(openssl rand -base64 63 | tr -d '\n')" >> .env.local
echo "S3_KEY_SECRET=$(openssl rand -base64 63 | tr -d '\n')" >> .env.local

Make sure to have a fairly recent version of docker & docker compose.

Start the containers

# Optional: update dependencies
docker compose pull
# --build will rebuild the docker image when you change the code. Use --force-recreate to force a rebuild (eg after updating dependencies).
docker compose --env-file .env.local up --build -d

It will still use the .env.local file for the environment variables if present, overriding the values for MongoDB and S3.

Minio will be available on http://localhost:9000 and bebop on http://localhost:3000.

Some helper commands:

# See the containers
docker compose ps
# Get the logs
docker compose logs bebop -f
# Enter the container
docker compose exec bebop sh
# Stop the containers
docker compose down

Other configuration

See the beginning of the README for other environment variables you can set in .env.local, including the SMTP credentials.

If you run in production, you will need to set the ORIGIN environment variable to the URL of your beBOP instance:

# .env.local - replace with your beBOP url

As well as the object storage (minio) url:

# .env.local - replace with your minio url

If you want to access a local BTC node or LND node, use host.docker.internal as the hostname instead of localhost:


When placing the beBOP behind a reverse proxy, to get your user's IPs, you will need to set the ADDRESS_HEADER to X-Forwarded-For and the XFF_DEPTH header to 1 (or appropriate value depending on your config) in the environment.

Maintenance mode

It's possible to enable maintenance mode in the admin.

To correctly recognize your IP, if you are behind a reverse proxy like nginx, you will need to set the ADDRESS_HEADER to X-Forwarded-For and the XFF_DEPTH header to 1 in the environment.

Copying DB & S3 to another instance

You can run the following command to copy the DB and S3 to another instance:

export OLD_DB_URL="..."
export OLD_DB_NAME="..."

export NEW_DB_URL="..."
export NEW_DB_NAME="..."

export OLD_S3_ENDPOINT="..."
export OLD_S3_BUCKET="..."
export OLD_S3_REGION="..."
export OLD_S3_KEY="..."
export OLD_S3_SECRET="..."

export NEW_S3_BUCKET="..."
export NEW_S3_REGION="..."
export NEW_S3_KEY="..."
export NEW_S3_SECRET="..."
export NEW_S3_ENDPOINT="..."

pnpm run copy-db-s3

Local development

Running the app

Install pnpm, for example with sudo corepack enable if you're on linux/mac.


pnpm install
pnpm dev

Configuring the Object Storage

Many cloud-hosted object storages like AWS S3 or Scaleway have free tiers that are more than enough for local development.

You can also use MinIO:

mkdir -p ${HOME}/minio/data

docker run \
   -p 9000:9000 \
   -p 9090:9090 \
   --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
   --name minio1 \
   -v ${HOME}/minio/data:/data \
   quay.io/minio/minio server /data --console-address ":9090"

Then go on and create an access key. Copy the "Access Key" and "Secret Key" safely.

In your .env.local file, add the following:

S3_BUCKET="bebop" # Or another bucket name of your choice
S3_KEY_ID=<Access key> #for example: uY2vtFFX7vBVucEs
S3_KEY_SECRET=<Secret Key> #for example: GhNSZXUMiZsJl6LTvSCWPW0ZbCwHVL17

Then restart pnpm dev. The bucket will be created automatically.

Configuring MongoDB

The simplest way is to get a free tier on MongoDB Atlas.

Alternatively, you need to configure a local MongoDB with ReplicaSet enabled. ReplicaSet is needed for change streams and ACID transactions.

Configuring plausible

Self install plausible : Plausible

Then, go in the config page : /admin/config

And : Copy/paste your Plausible URL in the plausible input

for example: https://plausible.your-domain.com/js/script.js

To have emails, for example to have multiple users, you need to configure SMTP with environment variables and set DISABLE_REGISTRATION=invite_only.