BAQIC / emulate-server

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How to deploy the server

Build the docker image

We provide a Dockerfile to deploy the server. To build the image, please use the following command:

docker build -t emulate-server:latest -f Dockerfile .

Use postgres docker container to store data

To run the postgres docker container, please use the following command:

docker pull postgres:latest
# the user name, password and database name are all "quantum-emulator", and the port is 5433
# it will create a volume named "pg-data" to store the data
docker run -d --name=quantum-emulator-pg -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=quantum-emulator -e POSTGRES_USER=quantum-emulator -e POSTGRES_DB=quantum-emulator -p 5433:5432 --restart always -v pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:latest

Run the emulate-server using host network

To run the emulate-server, please use the following command:

docker run -d --network=host --name=emulate-server --env QSCHED_CONFIG=/qsched.json --env LOG_CONFIG=/log4rs.yaml -v /path/to/qsched:/qsched.json -v /path/to/agent/file:/agent.json -v /path/to/log4rs:/log4rs.yaml --restart=always emulate-server:latest

You can use QSCHED_CONFIG to specify the path of the configuration file for the quantum scheduler. The default value is /qsched.json. The agent file path is specified by agent_file in thee configuration file of the quantum scheduler. Please make sure the configuration file and the agent file are accessible by the server.

NOTE: The agent file is mainly for develop and testing. If you don't want to use the agent file, please set the value of agent_file to "".

The database url is specified by db_url in the configuration file of the quantum scheduler. Please make sure the database url is accessible by the server.

You can use LOG_CONFIG to specify the path of the configuration file for log system. The default value is /log4rs.yaml. Please make sure the log configuration file are accessible by the server. The default log path is /log/requests.log.

Then, you can use emulate-client to submit jobs to the server.

Use docker compose to start the server

You can use following command to run the emulator server:

docker compose -p emulator-server up -d

Previous command will start the postgres, emulator server and two agents. It will use self defined docker network emulator-server and use the volume pgdata to store the data of the postgres. And the agent file config/agents-compose.json (The only difference with config/agents is that it will use hostname to add agent) will be used. The server will use the port 3000 to listen the request.

Use following command to stop the emulator server:

docker compose -p emulator-server down

Use following command to stop the emulator server and remove all named volumes:

docker compose -p emulator-server down -v

How to develop the server

Apply migrations after changing the schema

To apply migrations, please use the following command:

cd migration
# This will drop all tables from the database, then reapply all migrations
# The dabase url is same with the one in the configuration file of the quantum scheduler, that means the databse you previously created
cargo run -- -u database_url fresh

NOTE: This operation may be dangerous, please make sure you have a backup of the database.

Generate a new entity from the database

To generate a new entity from the database, please use the following command:

# go to the root directory of the project
cd ../
# This will generate the entity from the database, and the entity will be stored in the src/entity directory
# The database url is same with the one in the configuration file of the quantum scheduler, that means the databse you previously created
sea-orm-cli generate entity -o src/entity/ --with-serde=both  -u database_url

Generate the documentation

To generate the documentation, please use the following command:

cargo doc --bins --document-private-items --no-deps

Use k8s to deploy the server

You can use the following command to deploy the server:

kubectl apply -f emulator-server.yaml

The file include following resources:

You can use the following command to delete the resources:

kubectl delete -f emulator-server.yaml

This will delete all the resources created by the previous command.

You can use kubectl get the pv of emulator server log, then you can go to that path to check the log file.

Use k8s to deploy the agent:

You can use the following command to deploy the agent:

kubectl apply -f emulator-agent.yaml

The file include following resources:

You can use the following command to delete the resources:

kubectl delete -f emulator-agent.yaml

You can use the following command to add the agent to the server:

# The hostname is the name of the agent service, the address (-a) is the cluster ip of the emulator-server service, you can use kubectl get servce to check it
# You can also use the node ip and the node port to add the agent
cargo run -- -m add-agent --agent-hostname emulator-agent-sv-1 --agent-port 3003 --agent-qubit-count 20 --agent-circuit-depth 20 -a

You can use the following command to submit a task to the server:

# The address (-a) is the node ip and the node port of the emulator-server service
cargo run -- -m emulate -f examples/bell.qasm -s 2000 -a

Use helm to deploy the server

You can use the following command to deploy the server:

helm install emulator-server helm

This will deploy the server, database, and one agent. The server will use NodePort to expose the service to the outside. The agent will use ClusterIP to expose the service to the cluster. You can access the server using the node_ip:node_port.

For example:

# The address (-a) is the node ip and the node port of the emulator-server service
# The hostname is the name of the agent service
cargo run -- -m add-agent --agent-hostname emulator-server-agent-sv-1 --agent-port 3003 --agent-qubit-count 20 --agent-circuit-depth 20 -a

cargo run -- -m emulate -f examples/bell.qasm -s 2000 -a