The Corpus can be run inside a Docker container. The Docker container does not support Elasticsearch yet, so the site search functions will not work.
Download and install Virtualbox.
Download and install Docker.
Sync the Corpus repository so that you have the latest version from Github.
Open your terminal application (Terminal on a Mac).
Use the cd
command to change into the Corpus directory. For example, on my computer:
cd /Users/benjaminflorin/RubymineProjects/grammars
Create a local copy of the database:
sqlite3 grammars_development.sqlite < grammars_development.sql
Build the Docker container:
docker-compose build
Use the cd
command to change into the Corpus directory. For example, on my computer:
cd /Users/benjaminflorin/RubymineProjects/grammars
Run the Docker container:
docker-compose up
To stop Docker, press ctrl-c from inside the Terminal where Docker is running.
Remove the server's .pid
file. From the grammars
directory in your Terminal:
rm tmp/pids/