BCStudentSoftwareDevTeam / lsf-oss

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Work Study Software System

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Required local packages (Ubuntu)

Developers Guide

Initial installation

NOTE: You must install MySQL and know the root password to continue.

  1. Pull down the repo: git clone <URL>.
  2. Ensure mysql is running. You may need to do sudo systemctl start mysql.
    • (FIXME) Create another empty database. The default name is UTE.
  3. Edit app/config/default.yaml to match your application parameters.
  4. Edit app/config/local_override.yaml for any local environment variables, such as username/passwords for the database.
  5. Run source install.sh.
  6. Run the app with flask run in the root directory.

Resetting the application during development

  1. cd to the database directory.
  2. Run source reset_database.sh.
  3. Return to the root directory and run the app with flask run.

Running tests against your new code

Test should be added in tests/code/, logically grouped into files named test_EXAMPLE.py. You can run tests individually with pytest, or run the entire suite with tests/run_tests.sh. The most common usage will be to run the non-ui tests continually by running tests/monitor.sh no-ui from the root directory of the repo. Where possible, use TDD and write your test before the code that makes it pass. Follow the Fail - Implement - Pass cycle.

Updating pip dependencies (imports)

  1. Anytime you add a Python dependency library, you'll need to run pip freeze > requirements.txt. This file is used by setup.sh when the next user runs source setup.sh to ensure they have the correct Python dependencies. NOTE: watchdog gets added by doing this step. Remove it after running the freeze command, as it breaks the setup.sh script

Updating models

The application relies on a few databases:

Main database changes

The main database uses MySQL as the database engine, and Peewee ORM to abstract the database in code. If the main database schema needs to change, you must update the models inside app/models. Then, use Peewee Migrator to update the models in the MySQL database automagically: https://pypi.org/project/peewee-migrations/

  1. Install: pip install peewee-migrations (included in the virtual environment on install, so you shouldn't need to do this)
  2. pem init
  3. Add models to watch (e.g., pem add app.models.user.User)
  4. Watch the model for changes: pem watch
  5. When done changing models, run the migrator to modify the database: pem migrate

NOTE: You don't need to watch the files before you begin making changes. The watch will compare the db to your model file and make any changes that are inconsistent.

Additional helpful commands:

Tracy database changes

Unlike the main database, which uses MySQL, the Tracy database can use either MySQL (if you are installing the database yourself, i.e., USE_TRACY: 0 in a config file) or Microsoft's SQL Server (if the database is being provided by the folks at Tracy, i.e., USE_TRACY: 1 in a config file). To facilitate easier development, a Tracy class was created to access the database, regardless of the provider, leveraging SQAlchemy. It is recommended that any changes needed to the Tracy database are made to the models inside app/models/Tracy AND in the Tracy class inside app/logic/tracy.py.

NOTE: Peewee is used to abstract the main database, and SQAlchemy is used to abstract the Tracy database (regardless of the provider).

Authentication and Authorization Provider

The application currently supports Shibboleth as the auth provider. To use it, set USE_SHIBBOLETH: 1 in local_override.yaml. If set to 0, a local auth provider will be used (i.e., Flask login).

FIXME: Flask login is not yet implemented as a local provider.

Banner Provider

Banner records are required at some institutions. To turn on this feature, set USE_BANNER: 1 and provide the appropriate credentials in local_override.yaml.

Email Configuration

There are a couple of options to test email handling. By default, all emails are suppressed by the flag USE_EMAILER: 0 in default.yaml. Setting this to 1 and providing credentials for an SMTP provider will enable emails to be sent.

If you want to test with actual emails, use an email other than outlook to test the email handler. This setup is specific to Gmail, but should work with any other email that allows you to make app passwords. These settings are stored in default.yaml and can be overridden in local_override.yaml.

  1. Set up two factor authentication on your Gmail (Security Settings).
  2. Create an App Password through your Gmail. This 16 character password can only be viewed once, so make sure to save it. (NOTE: You won't have the option to create an app password unless step one is completed)
  3. Inside of your local_override.yaml file set the MAIL_USERNAME and MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER as your Gmail, set the MAIL_PASSWORD as your new app password, and set USE_EMAILER: 1. If you want emails to go to their real recipients, remove MAIL_OVERRIDE_ALL from your config or set it to "".
  4. For testing purposes, change the email of the student and supervisor to match another email that can receive your test emails (or you can use MAIL_OVERRIDE_ALL to send everything to the address specified.

Using the Production database and real Tracy data (FIXME)

  1. Set up your computer to access SQL Server databases (Instructions: http://ssdt-documentation.berea.edu/en/database).
  2. Ensure your database connection is working by running python db_test.py.
  3. Check your production.yml and make sure you have the necessary credentials to connect to the servers.
  4. Reset your database from the backup ./reset_database.sh from-backup.
  5. Change your environment to staging. Before starting the application, run export FLASK_ENV=staging (FIXME: should this be ENV=staging?)


  1. If you can't clone the repository, make sure your SSH public key is added to your Github profile. HTTPS cloning is no longer allowed by Github.
  2. The first time you are setting up the repository, run source install.sh.
  3. As you make changes, run source setup.sh and ./reset\_database.sh, in that order, without errors. Errors there should be resolved first.