BCcampus / opentextbooks

Uses APIs from Equella, LimeSurvey and Piwik to display books and book reviews
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book-reviews equella limesurvey open-textbooks piwik sitemap textbook

Open Textbooks

Build Status

The application is currently hosted on open.bccampus.ca, open.campusmanitoba.ca, openlibary.ecampusontario.ca and is built and maintained to support the Open Textbook Project by BCcampus

The application is embedded in a WordPress environment, and while there are WP integrations, there are zero WordPress dependencies. It can be used as a standalone app.


Will be useful if you also have any instances of:


This application can consume API's from

  1. Equella to display books from a collection OR
  2. DSpace to display books from a collection
  3. LimeSurvey to display book reviews
  4. Matomo Analytics to access book statistics

It also

  1. creates Google Scholar metadata for each book
  2. generates a sitemap of all textbooks which integrates with Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps
  3. pulls data from Contact Form DB
  4. waxes your neckbeard :neckbeard:


Built to support the wide dissemination of open textbooks.

Quick Start (developers)

Uses yarn to build front end dependencies and composer to build php dependencies. Once you've cloned the repo, you'll need to build:


Copyright and License

Unless otherwise noted, this code is copyright (c) 2012-2016 Brad Payne, released under a GPLv3 license, or any later version

Otherwise noted: