BD2KOnFHIR / fhirtordf

Python based FHIR to RDF conversion utility
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Missing rdf:type for property values #22

Open bajrachar opened 3 years ago

bajrachar commented 3 years ago

If you run fhirtordf util on example patient json url --> you get an rdf representation like follows -->

@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix sct: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
<> a fhir:Patient ;
    fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;

fhir:Patient.address [
        fhir:index "0"^^xsd:integer ; [
            fhir:value "Amsterdam"
        ] ; [
            fhir:value "NLD"
        ] ;
        fhir:Address.line [
            fhir:index "0"^^xsd:integer ;
            fhir:value "Bos en Lommerplein 280"
        ] ;
        fhir:Address.postalCode [
            fhir:value "1055RW"
        ] ;
        fhir:Address.use [
            fhir:value "home"
    ] ;


As you notice, the principal FHIR resource i.e. Patient has a rdf:type assigned as fhir:Patient class however the inner resources associated with property such as Addresses are missing an rdf:type. As a result, corresponding rdf graph seems to be missing an assigned type on these nodes: image

They show up as anonymous types on the graph. Would it be possible to assign types to these property value resources based on the range of the property.