BD2KOnFHIR / fhirtordf

Python based FHIR to RDF conversion utility
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FHIR JSON to RDF conversion utility

A tool to convert FHIR Resources from the JSON format to their equivalent in the FHIR RDF format. This tool can be used to convert FHIR queries, bundles and individual FHIR resources. It can be used to load an rdflib instance of the resource(s) for further processing and/or to create RDF output files.




The FHIR R4 Build ( no longer has the FHIR Structured Vocabulary (fhir.ttl), which makes R4 conversions exceedingly difficult. Anywhere that the text appears below, you will need to use a local copy of fhir.ttl, which can be found in [tests/data/fhir_metadata_vocabulary/fhir.ttl]()



> fhirtordf -i -nn
@prefix fhir: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix sct: <> .
@prefix v2-0131: <> .
@prefix v3-MaritalStatus: <> .
@prefix v3-RoleCode: <> .
@prefix w5: <> .
@prefix xml: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<> a fhir:Patient ;
    fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot ;
    fhir:DomainResource.text [
        fhir:Narrative.div "<div xmlns=\"\">(removed)</div>" ;
        fhir:Narrative.status [
            fhir:value "generated"
    ] ; [
        fhir:value "true"^^xsd:boolean
    ] ;
    fhir:Patient.address [
        fhir:index "0"^^xsd:integer ; [
            fhir:value "Amsterdam"
        ] ; [
            fhir:value "NLD"
        ] ;
        fhir:Address.line [
            fhir:index "0"^^xsd:integer ;



This package requires python 3. It has been developed and tested with python 3.6.1.

Create a virtual environment (optional)

The virtualenv package allows you to load local libraries in a sandbox, which minimizes the possibility of version collisions. 1) Install virtualenv if needed:

> virtualenv --version
-bash: virtualenv: command not found    <-- If you get this message ...
> pip install virtualenv                <-- ... install virtualenv
> virtualenv --version

2) Activate the virtual environment

    > virtualenv venv -p python3
    Running virtualenv with interpreter /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin/python3
    Using base prefix '/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6'
    > . venv/bin/activate
    (venv) > 

The (venv) at the prompt is a visual indicator that the virtual environment is in place. You can revert to the default python environment at any type by:

 (venv) > deactivate

Install the fhirtordf package

Option 1: Installation using pip

(venv) > pip install fhirtordf
(venv) >
(venv) > firtordf -v
FHIR to RDF Conversion Tool -- Version 0.1.0
(venv) >

Option 2: Installation from github image

(venv) get clone
(venv) > cd fhirtordf
(venv) > pip install -e .      <-- Don't forget the '.'

Installation can be tested with:

(venv) > fhirtordf -v
FHIR to RDF Conversion Tool -- Version 0.1.0    <-- actual version number will vary

FHIR to RDF Command Line Tool

The fhirtordf command line tool can:


json-ld JSON for Linking Data .json-ld Will be considerably more useful if and when we include a FHIR context
n3 Notation3 (N3) .n3
N-Triples 1.1 .nt Line-based syntax
xml XML Syntax .xml RDF Triples in XML
pretty-xml XML Syntax .xml Nested RDF -- BNodes factored out
trig RDF Dataset Language .trig
Terse RDF Triple Language .ttl (default)


Transform a FHIR resource and emit on stdout

(venv) >fhirtordf -i

Merge two FHIR resources and emit result on stdout

(venv) >fhirtordf -i

Merge two FHIR resources and save the result in t1.ttl

(venv) >fhirtordf -i -o t1.ttl (venv) >fhirtordf -i > t1.ttl

Run a query on a FHIR server and save the output resources as individual files

(venv) >firtordf -i test.json -od testdir

This creates three files:

Recursively convert all .json files in the FHIR publication directory, ignoring v2, v3 and various test files

(venv) >fhirtordf -id FHIR/build/publish -od test/publish -sd /v2/ /v3/ -sf .cs. .vs. .profile. .canonical. .schema. .diff.

The above command will convert all .json files in the FHIR/build/publish directory converting the output to the nested equivalent in the test/publish target. It will not conver the contents of directories named 'v2' or 'v3' and files that contain '.cs.', '.vs.', etc.

Note: The conversion utility will never convert files whose names begin with '.' or '_' and will ignore all directories whose names begin with '_'.

Recursively convert all .json files in the FHIR publication directory, ignoring v2, v3 and various test files

(venv) >fhirtordf -id FHIR/build/publish -od test/publish -sd /v2/ /v3/ -sf .cs. .vs. .profile. .canonical. .schema. .diff. -of master.ttl

This will do the same thing as the previous command, with the exception that all of the output RDF will be merged int a single output file named master.ttl

Use as a python library

The fhirrtordf package can be used to create an rdflib Graph from one or more FHIR JSON resources. Example:

from rdflib import URIRef
from fhirtordf.loaders.fhirjsonloader import fhir_json_to_rdf

g = fhir_json_to_rdf("")
print([str(s) for s in set(g.subjects()) if isinstance(s, URIRef)])

# ['',
#  '',
#  '',
#  '',
#  '',
#  '',
#  '']


from typing import Optional, Union
from rdflib import Graph
from fhirtordf.fhir.fhirmetavoc import FHIRMetaVoc

def fhir_json_to_rdf(json_fname: str,
                     base_uri: str = "",
                     target_graph: Optional[Graph] = None,
                     add_ontology_header: bool = True,
                     do_continuations: bool = True,
                     replace_narrative_text: bool = False,
                     metavoc: Optional[Union[Graph, FHIRMetaVoc]] = None) -> Graph:
    Convert a FHIR JSON resource image to RDF
    :param json_fname: Name or URI of the file to convert
    :param base_uri: Base URI to use for relative references. 
    :param target_graph:  If supplied, add RDF to this graph. If not, start with an empty graph.
    :param add_ontology_header:  True means add owl:Ontology declaration to output
    :param do_continuations: True means follow continuation records on bundles and queries
    :param replace_narrative_text: True means replace any narrative text longer than 120 characters with
                '<div xmlns="">(removed)</div>'
    :param metavoc: FHIR Metadata Vocabulary (fhir.ttl) graph
    :return: resulting graph 


How it works

Fragile bits

The items below list points where there are dependencies on specific versions of libraries or resources that are prone to break.

1) FHIR URI Regular Expression: This parser depends heavily on the regular expression for a FHIR resource, as published in Any changes to this will need to be reflected in 2) rdflib URI Parser: We have to weaken the rules for parsing URI's in rdflib, as, technically, "" is not a valid URI because a path cannot start with a number. We include the following code fragment in

from rdflib.namespace import NAME_START_CATEGORIES

3) rdflib turtle printer: For reasons that we don't fully understand, rdflib version 4.2.2 makes a mess of printing nested turtle. overrides two methods in TurtleSerializer -- p_squared and label. It is quite likely that subsequent versions of rdflib will not be compatible with these changes. We can hope, however, that the rdflib group will grow weary of unreadable turtle and fix this problem.

Issues and incomplete tasks

Which FHIR Metadata Vocabulary?

We have encountered a number of bugs and issues with the HL7 STU3 FHIR Metadata Vocabulary ([]()). These problems are serious enough that thefhirtordf conversion utility will not work correctly with that item as a resource. The latest build of the FMV, ([]()), has all of the significant conversion issues fixed. For this reason, all of the defaults in this package currently point at the latest.

Numeric precision representation

1) The FHIR specification requires a non standard JSON parser -- one that preserves the textual representation of numeric objects. As an example, in JSON, "5", "5.", "5.0" and "5.00" all represent exactly the same value and will all be serialized as "5". The FHIR specification requires that the difference in these values be preserved. Not unexpectedly, the Python Json encoder and decoder does not preserve this distinction. We may be able to code a work-around, but, at the moment, currency and diopter values that use trailing zeroes fail this test.

Recursive representation of paths

1) There is some sort of a bug -- either in the way that the FHIR Metadata Vocabulary is being generated or in our interpretation of it that results in path errors of the sort. As an example, the native FHIR converter represents (

    "compose": {
        "exclude": [
            "system": "",
            "concept": [
                "code": "5932-9",
                "display": "Cholesterol [Presence] in Blood by Test strip"


fhir:ValueSet.compose [
     fhir:ValueSet.compose.exclude [
       fhir:index 0;
       fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.system [ fhir:value "" ];
       fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.concept [
         fhir:index 0;
         fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.concept.code [ fhir:value "5932-9" ];
         fhir:ValueSet.compose.include.concept.display [ fhir:value "Cholesterol [Presence] in Blood by Test strip" ]

while the fhirtordf tool represents it as:

    fhir:ValueSet.compose [
        fhir:ValueSet.compose.exclude [
            fhir:index "0"^^xsd:integer ;
            fhir:ValueSet.compose.exclude.concept [
                fhir:index "0"^^xsd:integer ;
                fhir:ValueSet.compose.exclude.concept.code [fhir:value "5932-9"] ;
                 fhir:ValueSet.compose.exclude.concept.display [fhir:value "Cholesterol [Presence] in Blood by Test strip"]

We currently believe that tis is a bug in the native FHIR conversion, but further discussion is needed.