BD2KOnFHIR / fhirtordf

Python based FHIR to RDF conversion utility
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
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newer fhir.ttl images don't correctly map to XSD types #9

Closed hsolbrig closed 6 years ago

hsolbrig commented 6 years ago

The current fhir.ttl image ( represents primitive types as:

fhir:integer  a          owl:Class ;
        rdfs:comment     "A whole number" ;
        rdfs:label       "integer" ;
        rdfs:subClassOf  fhir:Primitive ;
        rdfs:subClassOf  [ a                   owl:Restriction ;
                           owl:allValuesFrom   fhir:integer ;
                           owl:maxCardinality  1 ;
                           owl:onProperty      fhir:value
                         ] .

Where the owl:allValuesFrom should be xsd:integer instead of the (recursive) fhir:integer.

While this obviously needs to be fixed on the FHIR site, we need to be able to test for it here