BERD-NFDI / BERD-reproducible-research-course

BERD Course Booklet: Make Your Research Reproducible
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feedback on version control chapter #7

Open lnnrtwttkhn opened 8 months ago

lnnrtwttkhn commented 8 months ago

hi @HeidiSeibold and @RabeaMue,

here is my feedback on the version control chapter. overall, I think it gives a very nice short introduction to the basic functions and commands of Git. below are a few thoughts that I had while reading through the chapter. feel free to ignore them, if you think they are not relevant to your target audience. I didn't make any changes re grammar or style because this would be somewhat opinionated anyways (but I added automated typo fixing, see #5). let me know if anything is unclear! great work!

Git is a version control system (software installed on your computer) that allows you to track changes and manage the history of your files locally on your computer. It provides features such as branching, merging, and reverting to previous versions. GitHub is a web-based hosting service for your Git repositories, allowing you to store and share your Git projects online. GitHub provides additional collaboration features such as issue tracking, pull requests, and project management tools. In summary, Git is the version control system itself, while GitHub is a hosting service built on top of Git. Git can be used independently without GitHub, but GitHub relies on Git for its functionality.

HeidiSeibold commented 8 months ago

Thanks @lnnrtwttkhn for the thorough feedback. @RabeaMue do you have time to implement these? Let me know what I can do to support!

RabeaMue commented 8 months ago

@HeidiSeibold Yes, I am editing the points from the feedback now and sending you a pull request. Thank you @lnnrtwttkhn !

RabeaMue commented 8 months ago

PR is here: